πŸ”₯ Error deleting relayer from Defender website


This topic is for reporting an issue I am having the last week in Defender website.

:computer: Environment



Whenever I try to remove a relayer I get the next message

However, take into account that when I click in Cancel, and refresh the website, the relayer is indeed deleted.

:1234: Code to reproduce


Hope with this topic to help to improve OpenZeppelin Defender.

Best regards,
Pedro Reyes.

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Hey @Pedro_Reyes, thanks for sharing, we always appreciate your contributions :slight_smile:

I just tried to create a relayer and then delete it and it worked as expected, nothing weird.
Did this happen to you randomly, or is it something reproducible for you? Can you share a video?

I'm wondering if it was an expired token or something, but I doubt it.

I'll keep investigating this issue and let you know if I have any answer or PR to submit regarding this.


Hello @ernestognw ,

It slipped my mind to mention that this topic my be related to this one I opened a few days ago.

In summary, I think this error is only impacting to relayers created through the relayer client due to an issue in the secretKey creation in the create-key-endpoint, not through the Defender website.

As you already pointed out, no issue shows up when doing this relayer management from the Defender website.

Best regards,
Pedro Reyes.

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Thanks for the context @Pedro_Reyes, seems like you're right and it's related to the issue you reported.

We just released a new version today and I just tested in production creating a relayer via API, and then deleting it via UI. Everything seems to be working and the fix we delivered for the previous issue you reported is fixing this as well.

Let me know if you manage to make it happen again, but all seems to be okay from my side :smiley:


Hello @ernestognw ,

I did the same test right now. Ok from my side too. :white_check_mark:

Best regards,
Pedro Reyes.

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