ERC777 support in contracts-ethereum-package

Is ERC777 supported in contracts-ethereum-package?


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Hi @pkr,

ERC777 implementation is not currently in @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-packages.

ERC777 was added to OpenZeppelin Contracts 2.3 and @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package 2.2.3 is Contracts 2.2 + GSN support.

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@pkr were you planning to use it? may I ask what for?

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I wanted to explore the possibility of upgrading my StandaloneERC20 to a 777 if possible. Do you have any tips?

Plus make it sure it is backward compatible with ERC20 and forward compatible for some features such as atomic swaps, operators, etc.

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Hi @pkr,

I wrote a Simple ERC777 token example if you want to experiment.