Not really related to the solution, but I am currently trying to verify my own contract (but it failed too). I've had a quick glance at your token.sol and I guess that you did use some tools to flatten your file (as I see multiple pragma version lines).
Can I ask you what did you do to flatten your file? Like, what kind of tool? As when I was trying to flatten my file, there was the "multiple license" problem.
First, I try to flatten my file using "yarn hardhat flatten", everything seems pretty fine.
To be honest I did not flattened the contract all I did was copying from this address
but as you said maybe this contract dev flattened it and uploaded it.
But do you think using multiple SPDX-License lines can cause a deployed contract byte code differ from compiled contract byte code?
My issue is this since verify failed because of different bytecodes.
I'm not really sure about the multiple license problem. I just know that, when you have multiple license in your contract, and these licenses are not all in the header, you wont be able to compile the contract.
I also see that your contract is using the SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED, pretty tricky cause I though it was MIT (as this contract did use some code from openzeppelin contract), but it still works