i’m wanting a developer to help me understand erc 998 and/or implement. it’s so much more difficult and rarer than erc 721, which is what i’m still getting familiar with. the hope is that by teaming up with a high level dev and defeating a difficult dragon (erc 998) we can both get a lot of xp. will pay _ LINK tokens if you keep me alive. Call it wingbird:
yours truly,
tippi fifestarr
Any context? Token logics come naturally if the context is made clear.
have you ever played D&D?
Which D&D, Dungeons & Dragons?
Yes, that game where a player controls a burnable, updatable Collectable Character with public variables and semi-immutable qualities. Have you played?
I’m playing with friends (finally!), and to incentivize the fun I’d like to mint us NFTs one by one!
I have implemented and extended ERC-998 -> what approach are you thinking about Top-Down or Bottom-Up? It would be helpful if you could describe the use case in detail then I could help.