Here is a way to create an ipfsHash[tokenId] associative mapping, taken from this contract:
//mint a nifty
uint specificTokenId = _numNiftyMinted[niftyType].current();
uint tokenId = bm.encodeTokenId(contractId, niftyType, specificTokenId);
string memory tokenIdStr = bm.uint2str(tokenId);
string memory tokenURI = bm.strConcat(baseURI, tokenIdStr);
string memory ipfsHash = _niftyIPFSHashes[niftyType];
//mint token
_mint(collector_address, tokenId);
_setTokenURI(tokenId, tokenURI);
_setTokenIPFSHash(tokenId, ipfsHash);
the tokenId is created like so:
function encodeTokenId(uint contractIdCalc, uint niftyType, uint specificNiftyNum) public view returns (uint) {
return ((contractIdCalc * topLevelMultiplier) + (niftyType * midLevelMultiplier) + specificNiftyNum);
This creates some redundancy for tokens that are 1/n, part of a single edition, as seen here.
We end up with the following structure:
6200050050 -> QmdKektfKmAEw7f692D7G5yQbacQomeaRmgMDnpqG9bcJv
6200050049 -> QmdKektfKmAEw7f692D7G5yQbacQomeaRmgMDnpqG9bcJv
6200050001 -> QmdKektfKmAEw7f692D7G5yQbacQomeaRmgMDnpqG9bcJv
Would it be more efficient to create the mapping for a single edition without reference to the specificNiftyNum
, so instead of fifty mappings of particular tokenId and a single ipfs hash we would have the lone:
62000500 -> QmdKektfKmAEw7f692D7G5yQbacQomeaRmgMDnpqG9bcJv
Perhaps by creating another function like this:
function createGeneralizedIpfsHashId(uint contractIdCalc, uint niftyType, uint specificNiftyNum) public view returns (uint) {
return ((contractIdCalc * topLevelMultiplier) + (niftyType * midLevelMultiplier));
Does this make sense as a design decision? Would it be more efficient in terms of gas usage?