Eip 1559 best practices

Current in my project, we have switched from type 0 to type 2 transaction i e eip 1559 to handle network congestion scenario.

What recommend do we have for parameters like maxFee ans maxpriorityFeePerGas.

I tried applying type 2 transaction for eth transaction using web3js but it's too slow for confirmation?

Any pointers i can follow

Hey @sachin_bisht,

In fact, using type 2 transactions is better for congestioned scenarios, but not because it’s faster, but because it avoids overpaying and delegates the responsibility for choosing gasPrice to the protocol (known as baseFeePerGas).

I’d say the recommendations to be made depending on what you want to optimize for. Is it speed? Or avoiding high prices for your users?

I’m sharing some resources with you:

Also, I wouldn’t like to skip the opportunity of recommending you using OpenZeppelin Defender Relayer in case you want to delegate pricing management to it.

Also you can implement meta transactions if your goals is to make your users pay as less as possible. See this youtube workshop.

Hope this helps.


Shall i follow eip1559 strategy for eth funding also from account to account

Yes. Overall EIP1559 transactions are recommended over legacy ones.

Even in legacy transactions, gasPrice acts as a maxFeePerGas and pays gasPrice - baseFeePerGas for priorityFee.

I don’t see a reason to use type 0 transactions.

@ernestognw , I am getting transaction underpriced in my project whenever i try fund approach using type2.

I think any question you have is easily explained with the resources I already shared.

I’ll leave this open in case anyone wants to help you with specifics, but please take a look at this guidelines for improving the details of your question.


Thank you , it is helpful