Crypto Trends 4 May 2020


Crypto Trends for the week. May the fourth be with you.

Based on Crypto Twitter, r/Ethereum, along with Week in Ethereum News and EthHub (if they are out on when I compile my report, otherwise I use them to check for things I missed).

Included in my weekly report (Monday :australia:)

Crypto Trends

Eth2 multi-client testnet

Beacon Chain block explorer:

Ethereum 10 million blocks

Renew early ENS names (or lose by August)

Time to renew early ENS names

This is on my todo list for a couple of my names

Contribute to Tornado Cash ceremony

It didn’t work on mobile, and I am getting failed to fetch error on desktop

Detailed News

For more detailed news of the week see:

Week in Ethereum News

Now sponsored by a weekly rotation of four sponsors.


  • Solidity docgen v0.5
