Creation of ERC20PresetMinterPauser on Remix errored: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

Hey abcoathup
i thought i would try the remix way also (Create an ERC20 using Remix, without writing Solidity)!. :slight_smile:
i get to the 'Deploy the contract' and when i click deploy i get the below message?

creation of ERC20PresetMinterPauser errored: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

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Hi @Triston_Edwards,

I am sorry that you had this issue.

Can you send me a screenshot of what is happening?

I select the contract and provide the token name and token symbol as parameters and press deploy.

Hi @Triston_Edwards,

Were you able to deploy? Otherwise can you share a screenshot of what is happening?

Maybe there is something wrong with your network, you can refresh the website and try to do it again.

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I had the same problem, used remix with open zeppelin on page that I didnt refresh for weeks and I kept getting errors like above. Thought it was problems with 10 different things in the end I just reloaded page and used same code and it worked.