I have a contract deployed with sdk.
It was created successfully but when I tried to make function tx calls with the sdk, it gave the error “execution reverted”. This is the same with other functions tx.
I tried deploying the same contract via openzeppelin cli and perform functions tx, it executed perfectly.
As I know, the Upgrades Plugin requires a .openzeppelin folder which won't work in a AWS Lambda based serverless environment where there is no storage, short of specifying a S3 bucket specifically. I guess the plugin does not have such an integration?
It’s ok, found the reason why.
The OWNER account has run out of ether.
The js library for estimating gas for transaction just failed with “execution reverted” with no reasons given. (code for this portion was not in previous post)
The contract creation works using DEPLOYER account since it has sufficient gas. (which is the code provided in the previous post)