Can user directly interact with Implementation address in Read and Write Contracts option in verified proxy contract?

  • proxy/storage contract page will display a new “Read as Proxy” and “Write as Proxy” sections, where the ABI used to load these read/write fields are the implementation contract’s ABI.

  • Can user directly interact with Implementation address in Read and Write Contracts option in verified proxy contract?

Hi @Sachini_Piyumali,

If you want to interact with your proxy on Etherscan, use the “Read as Proxy” and “Write as Proxy” sections as you mentioned. This allows you to read/write your contract in the context of the proxy, i.e. using the proxy's state.

It is possible to directly read/write to the implementation contract address, but this has no meaning since this represents the implementation address's state which in general is not used by proxies. The implementation address's state could be initialized with empty or gibberish values.

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Thank you for the explaination