Bep 20 contract hiring dev

Looking to hire a reputable dev on openzeppelin. Im sure most of the things I want to do are already done and can be copied and pasted. So I will need help locating the source code and implementing it properly.

Looking to start a series of about 5 contracts that reward different tokens. Example; btc, eth and so fourth.
I would also like these contracts to be able to interact with each other.
Example: say contract 1 rewards btc and contract 3 rewards Eth. Total tax to buy in or sell is 10%.
If I swap contract 1 tokens for contract 3 tokens. Tax is reduced to 5%. You can play the chart or dips on whatever you feel is bullish.

Let me know if interested, serious inquiries only.


Hi, if you still need help feel fre to dm me here or on telegram @FreezyDev