62 BNB got stuck in contract. Any solution?

Hi guys,

I'm the Dev of Shido Finance. We had one investor that wanted to invest a larger amount. He accidentially sent 62 bnb (worth 17.000usd) to the contract address by mistake.

Here it is;

You see the balance. There is no withdrawal function in the contract. So I assume it is stuck in the contract forever.

If there is any solution for him, 500usd is up for grabs I will send it personally to the contributor.

Thank you.

Best regards, Bjorn


Your assumption is correct, you cannot retrieve those tokens from the contract.

May be able to help you if you have certain other functions available in your contract. I've helped others before. I'll have a look over your code when I have a chance and let you know through DM.

If your contract will work with our solution the fee is definitely not $500. Our fee is 50% of the recovered funds. Our solution took extensive research that cost a lot of money to create.

We understand that 50% of recovered funds is always better than 100% of lost funds.

There are pretty much 3 possible ways to restore those funds from your contract

1: with a recover function which you don’t have so thats not possible.
2: have the token/contract be upgradable so you can add the recover option, which is also not the case
3: have a destruct function which will send the funds to the creator of the contract, unfortunately not available either

So I’m afraid there is no option to recover these funds.

I think you may try Binance BNB Pioneer Burn Program.

Well yes, 50% of the funds is better than nothing.

Feel free to check the code, but im afraid its stuck there.

Its like I thought, thats why it has been stuck there for such long time now.

Yes thats the one, thank you.

Interesting, wasn’t familiar with that program. Tnx

Did you make any progress with this?
TG me @lodromo, if you'd like someone else to help retrieve currency for you.

I've noticed that they migrated to a new contract with new address which has:

    function withdrawETH() external onlyOwner {
        (bool success, )=address(owner()).call{value: address(this).balance}("");
        require(success, "Failed in withdrawal");
    function withdrawToken(address token) external onlyOwner{
        require(address(this) != token, "Not allowed");
        IERC20(token).safeTransfer(owner(), IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)));

So they learned their lesson.

Haha, yes we did. Learnt the hard way.