Why we add `onlyInitializer` to internal functions?

I'm trying to understand and I'm stuck, can u explain logic pls?

For example I have some contracts and want to inherit them in one when deploying.

contract A {
1    function __A_init() internal {...}
2    function __A_init() internal onlyInitializer {...};

contract B {
1    function __B_init() internal {...}
2    function __B_init() internal onlyInitializer {...}

contract C is A, B {
    constructor() initializer {}
    function initialize(...) initializer {

I see codebases where devs use onlyInitializer modifier for init() functions in A and B contracts. But in some codebases devs don't use this modifier. Should we use it considering that init() functions are internal? What's the logic of this choice? I read docs/forum, but can catch it.

Also in some codebases in constructor ppl use disableInitializer() instead of initializer. I assume that in this case we want to leave the opportunity reinitialize in future?

Hi @poslednaya,

Have you gone through our Writing Upgradeable Contracts documentation? I think most of these questions can be answered from there.

yp, I read
In examples there initialize functions are public so modifier is obvious
But I can not imagine case when we need to use onlyInitializer with internal functions
Thx for answer, anyway

Right, all of the upgradeable contracts have an internal initializer that replaces the constructor for upgradeable contracts. However, when a contract is abstract (the majority of contracts in the library are abstract), the constructor behaves like an "internal initializer", this is why you need to do something like:

abstract contract A {
  constructor(uint256 foo, bytes32 bar) {}

contract B is A {
  constructor(uint foo, bytes32 bar) A(foo, bar) {}

The upgradeable variant of the library exposes these internal initializers to replicate the behavior of abstract constructors.

I got it. Sorry for inability to formulate a question. I'm looking at the code base right now. They have 2 contracts (not abstract) and then inherits in third. And I can not catch why absence of onlyInitializing is not a mistake. They literally rely on just internal, but in all examples in OpenZeppelin docs I see that modifier also is needed.

contract A {
    function __A_init() internal {...} // here without modifier

contract B {
    function __B_init() internal {...} // here without modifier

contract C is A, B {
    function initialize(...) initializer {

I think I got how modifier works but can not understand why here it is not a mistake

I see, that's weird. Unless those internal functions are not reachable within the external contract scope I guess it's fine, but I can't confirm it's safe to do so.

The recommendation is to always use an onlyInitializer even if there's the need to reinitialize a contract. In such case, the onlyInitializer already takes reinitializations into account.

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It would be better if this was a critical vulnerability and I shared the reward with you, but..)
Thx a lot for your time, appreciate it, now it will more clear to me

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