Where do you go for help when developing smart contracts?

Where do you go for help when developing smart contracts?

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Let us know if you have goto options that I missed.


You can also ask for support here in the Community Forum in #support

My general order is:

  1. Web search
  2. Read the docs
  3. Community group
  4. Read the docs
  5. If it’s project specific, then project specific community
  6. If I don’t get joy, reach out on Crypto Twitter to the project
  7. Tag a friend in a community group

I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the Gitters/Discords of individual projects. I probably would have saved a lot of time had I just posted in those communities sooner.

ethereum.stackexchange has also been a great resource for me.


The ConsenSys Blockchain Developer Kit listed the resources of:

Mine is:

  1. Solidity Doc
  2. web search (google), and eventually taking me to:
  3. ethereum.stackexchange
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As our community grows, I hope we can add here to the list too :smile:

  • Google / Youtube
  • Stack exchange
  • Docs: Web3, Solidity

And bonus, my YT channel EatTheBlocks has tons of ressources!


Hi @jklepatch welcome to the community and thanks for contributing to the space.
I can see that you have created a huge amount of videos for your channel, very nice. (I’ve got one playing in the background now)

Have you got suggestions (or even a video) for your top three recommendations for a new developer in the space?

Thanks Andrew!
Glad you are watching my vids :slightly_smiling_face:

For new developers in the space, I have created a huge article (also in ebook format) on How to become a blockchain developer?. Also available in ebook format on the article page, and as a video.

To be more specific:

  • learn Ethereum
  • learn Solidity smart contracts -> This tutorial
  • learn Dapps -> Todolist tutorial (sorry, cant put more than 2 links as a new user :frowning:
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The Solidity-Dev Gitter (where development of the compiler is coordinated) is often a great place to get help on advanced Solidity issues, or obscure bugs.

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Found this list of Ethereum related forums

The Discord server is now really inactive. If you need any Solidity help, I recommend my server (which has a channel dedicated to Solidity development) Code Cave or Crypto Devs (another Discord server).

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Also, you can join this channel to get some help: CryptoDevs

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Hi @ShayGaming24,

Welcome to the community forum. :wave:

Thanks for sharing your Discord.

You can also ask for help here in #support

These two Discord servers are super useful too. I build my first two projects in minutes. Very supportive community.

For Solidity : https://discord.gg/UkZrJhZEbU
For Web 3 and NFTs : https://discord.gg/kyjJx4PVxA

hey guys, so how about asking question about SC coding ? where can i ask the questions related to coding? i asked something here: https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/137385/how-do-i-decompile-a-code-that-has-some-bugs-inside-using-bytecode