Hey, I want to know what these mean in the .json file in the .openzeppelin folder:
"solidityLibs": {},
"proxies": {
"dice-contract/Dice": [
"address": "0xB980d073cef7072Fefac9ac1213C3C6c12c2F7B2",
"version": "1.0.0",
"implementation": "0xCB56C1c653827279077b2368F22e78fe0E27F4A3",
"admin": "0x3c83E186b4a31141Fd91c6bF383B44AA2D5C3D61",
"kind": "Upgradeable"
"manifestVersion": "2.2",
"version": "1.0.0",
"proxyAdmin": {
"address": "0x3c83E186b4a31141Fd91c6bF383B44AA2D5C3D61"
I get that the first address is the address of the Proxy contract
implementation is the address of the logic contract
what is the “admin”/proxyadmin however? Is it a contract? What is its role? And where is my wallet address in all this?
If I want to see my implementation contracts in etherescan for every upgraded version, is there a simpler or easier way to keep track of all of them w/o using version control? like a cli command that shows all the implementation instances or likewise… ?