What do I need to change on a Bsc smart contract to deploy on Ethereum

I actually found this contract on Bsc scan. It is everything I need for an Eth project.
Apart from changing addresses, uniswap router, name, supply.
What else do I need to change for it to run on Ethereum network the same way.
I will so much love to hear from you.
Here’s the contract actually: https://bscscan.com/token/0x0b0db51398fe95d6ea5fdb96799b84049bfc7942#code#L1

Some or all of these:

string private _name = " Tige Inu";
string private _symbol = "$TINU";
uint8 private _decimals = 9;

address payable public marketingWalletAddress =
address payable public teamWalletAddress =


uint256 public _buyLiquidityFee = 2;
uint256 public _buyMarketingFee = 18;
uint256 public _buyTeamFee = 0;

uint256 public _sellLiquidityFee = 2;
uint256 public _sellMarketingFee = 20;
uint256 public _sellTeamFee = 0;

uint256 public _liquidityShare = 4;
uint256 public _marketingShare = 30;
uint256 public _teamShare = 0; 
uint256 public _totalTaxIfBuying = 35;
uint256 public _totalTaxIfSelling = 45;
uint256 public _totalDistributionShares = 80;

uint256 private _totalSupply = 100000000 * 10**_decimals;
uint256 public _maxTxAmount = 2000000 * 10**_decimals;
uint256 public _walletMax = 2000000 * 10**_decimals;
uint256 private minimumTokensBeforeSwap = 100 * 10**_decimals;


constructor() {
    IUniswapV2Router02 _uniswapV2Router = IUniswapV2Router02(

Wow thanks so much man.
It means if I change all that it would perfectly work on Ethereum main net :face_holding_back_tears:

A quick one also.
The fees are in BNB here.
Hope they are also going to come in ETH when I change the router, those details and deploy on main net?