I have difficulty understanding the following unit test in BeaconProxy.test.js. Two problems:
It creates DummyImplementation and DummyImplementation2 instances passing a reference to the proxy. That makes no sense because the implementation should not know about any proxies that call it. Also those implementations don’t have constructors, so hmm.
The at the bottom of the test, after upgrading the beacon, the implementations are checked for new version values. Instead it should be testing the BeaconProxy returns the changed values.
Can anyone explain this test?
const { BN, expectRevert } = require('@openzeppelin/test-helpers');
const ethereumjsUtil = require('ethereumjs-util');
const { keccak256 } = ethereumjsUtil;
const { expect } = require('chai');
const UpgradeableBeacon = artifacts.require('UpgradeableBeacon');
const BeaconProxy = artifacts.require('BeaconProxy');
const DummyImplementation = artifacts.require('DummyImplementation');
const DummyImplementationV2 = artifacts.require('DummyImplementationV2');
const BadBeaconNoImpl = artifacts.require('BadBeaconNoImpl');
const BadBeaconNotContract = artifacts.require('BadBeaconNotContract');
function toChecksumAddress (address) {
return ethereumjsUtil.toChecksumAddress('0x' + address.replace(/^0x/, '').padStart(40, '0'));
const BEACON_LABEL = 'eip1967.proxy.beacon';
const BEACON_SLOT = '0x' + new BN(keccak256(Buffer.from(BEACON_LABEL))).subn(1).toString(16);
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Hi @cliffhall ,
Welcome to the community
The test creates an UpgradeableBeacon passing in the address of implementationV0.
const dummy = new DummyImplementation(this.proxy.address);
expect(await dummy.value()).to.bignumber.eq(value);
expect(await web3.eth.getBalance(this.proxy.address)).to.bignumber.eq(balance);
beforeEach('deploy beacon', async function () {
this.beacon = await UpgradeableBeacon.new(this.implementationV0.address);
it('no initialization', async function () {
const data = Buffer.from('');
const balance = '10';
this.proxy = await BeaconProxy.new(this.beacon.address, data, { value: balance });
await this.assertInitialized({ value: '0', balance });
it('non-payable initialization', async function () {
It then creates a BeaconProxy passing in the address of the beacon which was just created.
beforeEach('deploy beacon', async function () {
this.beacon = await UpgradeableBeacon.new(this.implementationV0.address);
it('no initialization', async function () {
const data = Buffer.from('');
const balance = '10';
this.proxy = await BeaconProxy.new(this.beacon.address, data, { value: balance });
await this.assertInitialized({ value: '0', balance });
it('non-payable initialization', async function () {
const value = '55';
const data = this.implementationV0.contract.methods
this.proxy = await BeaconProxy.new(this.beacon.address, data);
await this.assertInitialized({ value, balance: '0' });
It is checking that after upgrading the implementation the proxies are pointing to version 2.
// test initial version
expect(await dummy.version()).to.eq('V1');
// upgrade beacon
await beacon.upgradeTo(this.implementationV1.address);
// test upgraded version
expect(await dummy.version()).to.eq('V2');
it('upgrade 2 proxies by upgrading shared beacon', async function () {
const value1 = '10';
const value2 = '42';
const beacon = await UpgradeableBeacon.new(this.implementationV0.address);
const proxy1InitializeData = this.implementationV0.contract.methods
const proxy1 = await BeaconProxy.new(beacon.address, proxy1InitializeData);