Unable to verify flat contract on Etherscan (Ropsten)

I have tried to verify my contract with my address “0xee4ab34a3aa0b7d3e570df31da9f9afee9f5353b” and It just gave me a error.

It’s a Ropsten Test Network Contract and the contract is “0xf08309b47cfc7b1e88a66a913660c57388ef2bab”

I would love for someone to help me verify my contract.

Here is the contract source code


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You can use the following plugin to verify contract: https://github.com/rkalis/truffle-plugin-verify

Or maybe you have flattened the contract and just need to encode constructor parameters, then you can use tool: https://abi.hashex.org/

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Thank you, I will try the methods and get back to you if It’s solved.

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Looks like these methods don’t work with Ropsten Test Network (as you need the API key which is only for the mainnet)

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Wouldn’t mind if you can help me verify my contract.

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Do u mind giving me the following details which you used while deploying contract

Name, Symbol, Decimal, Initial Supply, Fee Receiver Address & Owner Address

I can help you to verify your contract if you provide me the above mentioned constructor details


Hi @God_of_Exploits,

Welcome to the community :wave:

You have a flattened contract. As @skyge said, you need to encode the constructor parameters which you can use https://abi.hashex.org/

constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol, uint8 decimals, uint256 initialSupply, address payable feeReceiver, address tokenOwnerAddress)

Hello there, I’m unsure on how to use it but my information is
Name: V3rmillion Coin
Symbol: V3rmcoin
Initial Supply: 1000000000000
Decimals: 18
both addresses: 0xeE4ab34a3aA0B7d3e570df31Da9f9aFEe9F5353B

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Here is the information:
Name: V3rmillion Coin
Symbol: V3rmcoin
Initial Supply: 1000000000000
Decimals: 18
both addresses: 0xeE4ab34a3aA0B7d3e570df31Da9f9aFEe9F5353B

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I have tried to verify your contract, but there was no success, Could you verify couple of more things like Compiler Version and Optimization True or False

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Could you give me the contract with all the information that I stated as it would help me try to verify it with a encoded one and not flatted one.

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Where is your source code?

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