Greetings Community!
It has been a while, but I am now back at it.
On 12/26/2020 I successfully compiled, migrated and tested on Ropsten via Truffle the following contract See Ropsten Contract Address: 0x82Bc5871e30FB2C00A3E5B5E6475A2baD88978ba
Yesterday, 12/27/2020 I tried to deploy the same contract using the same truffle-config.js file on Mainnet and it gets frozen after compilying. I have used an array of gas / gasPrice combinations. The latest is as follows:
mainnet: {
networkCheckTimeout: 100000000,
provider: function() {
return new HDWalletProvider(maimnem, '' + key);
network_id: 1,
gas: 4000000,
gasPrice: 65000000000, // 65Gwei
Therefore, I tried to use Remix, with GASLIMIT 350000 and VALUE 60 Gwei and it failed twice. See the following Tx
Therefore I submitted a ticket at and was recently informed that āThe contract you are trying to deploy has a non-payable constructor and you are sending a 0.00000008 Ethers.ā
I searched on this subject and I found āThis error jumps out for some (unpredictable) reasons when, may be, the internal remix ide stack is corrupted and/or your deployment silently fails. Very often if you save, exit and reload it does not appear anymore. If it appears again and again with your code, try to save/exit/reload and then deploy it again using a 10x gas limit.ā
However, I truly want to deploy via Truffle/Infura since I already wasted almost $10 via Remix.
Would anyone be able to shed some light on how exactly I need to modify the contract so that it deploys/migrates into Mainnet via Truffle/Infura??
Greatly appreciated.