Taxable Contract - Add an Optional Tx Tax to Your Token

Created a contract that can be imported into your ERC20 token contract that handles a tax. The tax amount can be updated within a hardcoded range of 0.25% to 15%, the tax destination address can be updated to any one address, and the tax can be toggled on or off.

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A People's Treasury(TM) contract.

/// @title The Taxable Contract
/// @author People's Treasury
/// @notice Creates an optional tax, flexible within a hardcoded range of 0.25% to 15%. Defaults to 10%.
/// @dev This contract emits events, stores tax vars, and performs checks. 

 • Taxes stored as uint256 in points, which are 2 decimals of percentages and 4 decimals of a factor. (10000 points = 100.00% = 1.0000x)
 • To use this contract for your own ERC20 token, perform the following tasks:
   - In addition to this and the ERC20 contract, import ReentrancyGuard.sol and AccessControl for security reasons:
        import "./Taxable.sol"
        import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
        import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
        import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
   - Call the contracts. Example:
        contract __YOURTOKEN__ is ReentrancyGuard, ERC20, AccessControl, Taxable {}
   - Add the PRESIDENT_ROLE, GOVERNOR_ROLE, and EXCLUDED_ROLE vars inside the contract as public constants:
        bytes32 public constant GOVERNOR_ROLE = keccak256("GOVERNOR_ROLE");
        bytes32 public constant PRESIDENT_ROLE = keccak256("PRESIDENT_ROLE");
        bytes32 public constant EXCLUDED_ROLE = keccak256("EXCLUDED_ROLE"); 
   - In addition to the standard admin role, add the PRESIDENT_ROLE, GOVERNOR_ROLE, and EXCLUDED_ROLE roles to the standard ERC20 constructor:
        constructor() ERC20("__YOURTOKEN__", "__YOURTOKENSYMBOL__") {
            _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _grantRole(GOVERNOR_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _grantRole(PRESIDENT_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _grantRole(EXCLUDED_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _mint(msg.sender, __INITIALMINT__ * 10 ** decimals());
   - Add the public functions for the GOVERNOR_ROLE to enable, disable, an update the tax:
        function enableTax() public onlyRole(GOVERNOR_ROLE) { _taxon(); }
        function disableTax() public onlyRole(GOVERNOR_ROLE) { _taxoff(); }
        function updateTax(uint newtax) public onlyRole(GOVERNOR_ROLE) { _updatetax(newtax); }
   - Add the public function for the PRESIDENT_ROLE to update the tax destination address:
        function updateTaxDestination(address newdestination) public onlyRole(PRESIDENT_ROLE) { _updatetaxdestination(newdestination); }
   - Override the _transfer() function to perform the necessary tax functions:
        function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) // Overrides the _transfer() function to use an optional transfer tax.
            override(ERC20) // Specifies only the ERC20 contract for the override.
            nonReentrant // Prevents re-entrancy attacks.
                if(hasRole(EXCLUDED_ROLE, from) || hasRole(EXCLUDED_ROLE, to) || !taxed()) { // If to/from a tax excluded address or if tax is off...
                    super._transfer(from, to, amount); // Transfers 100% of amount to recipient.
                } else { // If not to/from a tax excluded address & tax is on...
                    require(balanceOf(from) >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); // Makes sure sender has the required token amount for the total.
                    // If the above requirement is not met, then it is possible that the sender could pay the tax but not the recipient, which is bad...
                    super._transfer(from, taxdestination(), amount*thetax()/10000); // Transfers tax to the tax destination address.
                    super._transfer(from, to, amount*(10000-thetax())/10000); // Transfers the remainder to the recipient.
 • The EXCLUDED_ROLE is for any wallet or contract that would be contradicted to tax to/from such as the deployer, the treasury, or a vesting contract.
 • The GOVERNOR_ROLE can be a governance controlled contract to enable/disable and change the tax amount based on proposal results.
 • The PRESIDENT_ROLE is not the GOVERNOR_ROLE because the address to change the destination address and tax amount is a target for an exploit.
 • It is recommended that the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE renounce either/both the PRESIDENT_ROLE and/or the GOVERNOR_ROLE and assign these to unconnected accounts.
 • Once all roles are set up, it is recommended that the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE add a Multisig admin and renounce the admin role as well as any unnecessary roles.
 • To send the tax to multiple end recipients, consider setting the tax destination address to a splitter contract like PaymentSplitter.sol or 0xSplits.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Modified from OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (security/Pausable.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0; // Must use solidity 0.8.0 or higher. Math isn't so safe otherwise...

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol"; // Context is imported to use _msgSender()

abstract contract Taxable is Context {

/// @dev Events defined for any contract changes.

	event TaxOn(address account); // Emits event "Tax On" when tax is enabled, returning the address of the Governor.
	event TaxOff(address account); // Emits event "Tax Off" when tax is disabled, returning the address of the Governor.
    event TaxChanged(address account); // Emits event "Tax Changed" when tax amount is updated, returning the address of the Governor.
	event TaxDestinationChanged(address account); // Emits event "Tax Destination Changed" when tax destination is changed, returning the address of the President.

/// @dev Name and type of constants defined.

	bool private _taxed; // Stores whether tax is enabled/disabled in a boolean.
	uint private _thetax; // Stores tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    uint private _maxtax; // Stores maximum tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    uint private _mintax; // Stores minimum tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    address private _taxdestination; // Stores tax destination as a blockchain address type.

/// @dev Constructor adds values to constants.

// Note that min/max tax are hardcoded.

	constructor() {
        _taxed = false; // Tax is off by default.
        _thetax = 1000; // Default tax set to 10.00% = 1000 points.
        _maxtax = 1500; // Maximum tax hardcoded to 15.00% = 1500 points.
        _mintax = 25; // Minimum tax hardcoded to 0.25% = 25 points.
        _taxdestination = _msgSender(); // Tax destination defaults to deployer.

/// @dev Modifiers throw errors if conditions are not met.

	modifier whenNotTaxed() { // Modifier for requiring the tax be off in order for the caller function to work.
        _requireNotTaxed(); // Function requires tax be off.

	modifier whenTaxed() { // Modifier for requiring the tax be on in order for the caller function to work.
        _requireTaxed(); // Function requires tax be on.

/// @dev Public view functions allow privately stored constants to be interfaced.

	function taxed() public view virtual returns (bool) { // Function enables public interface for tax enabled/disabled boolean.
        return _taxed; // Returns true if tax is enabled, false if it is disabled.

    function thetax() public view virtual returns (uint) { // Function enables public interface for tax amount in points.
        return _thetax; // Returns the current tax amount in points.

    function taxdestination() public view virtual returns (address) { // Function enables public interface for tax destination address.
        return _taxdestination; // Returns the destination address for the tax.

/// @dev Internal view functions contain the require() statements for the modifiers to use.

	function _requireNotTaxed() internal view virtual { // Function is used in the whenNotTaxed() modifier.
        require(!taxed(), "Taxable: taxed"); // Throws the call if the tax is disabled.

	function _requireTaxed() internal view virtual { // Function is used in the whenTaxed() modifier.
        require(taxed(), "Taxable: not taxed"); // Throws the call if the tax is enabled.

/// @dev Internal virtual functions perform the requested contract updates and emit the events to the blockchain.

	function _taxon() internal virtual whenNotTaxed { // Function turns on the tax if it was disabled and emits "Tax On" event.
        _taxed = true; // Sets the tax enabled boolean to true, enabling the tax.
        emit TaxOn(_msgSender()); // Emits the "Tax On" event to the blockchain.

	function _taxoff() internal virtual whenTaxed { // Function turns off the tax if it was enabled and emits "Tax Off" event.
        _taxed = false; // Sets the tax enabled boolean to false, disabling the tax.
        emit TaxOff(_msgSender()); // Emits the "Tax Off" event to the blockchain.

    function _updatetax(uint newtax) internal virtual { // Function updates the tax amount if in allowable range and emits "Tax Changed" event.
        require(newtax <= _maxtax, "Taxable: tax is too high"); // Throws the call if the new tax is above the maximum tax.
        require(newtax >= _mintax, "Taxable: tax is too low"); // Throws the call if the new tax is below the minimum tax.
        _thetax = newtax; // Sets the tax amount integer to the new value, updating the tax amount.
        emit TaxChanged(_msgSender());  // Emits the "Tax Changed" event to the blockchain.

	function _updatetaxdestination(address newdestination) internal virtual { // Function updates the tax destination address and emits "Tax Destination Changed" event.
        _taxdestination = newdestination; // Sets the tax destination address to the new value, updating the tax destination address.
        emit TaxDestinationChanged(_msgSender());  // Emits the "Tax Destination Changed" event to the blockchain.

For a live example, see test token contract here:

File 7 of 21

The reason I created this was because I wanted to create a Solidity 0.8+ solution (unlike typical Safemoon forks), preserve as many Open Zeppelin contracts as possible, and only importing a single contract in the spirit of Open Zeppelin style contracts. The execution of the functions is performed by the main contract. See comments in code above for instructions.

To the Open Zeppelin team:
Feel free to include this in your library in some form, part or whole, and without attribution. You have my complete permission, because the transfer tax is here to stay, and we need a safe way of adding it to our tokens. Obviously rewrite what you want, but it should be a good starting point. Please let me know if you see anything alarming with the code or its execution, and I will update it. If a version of this does end up in your library, please consider posting the links to it in this thread.

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Added an optional constructor that inherits arguments from the main contract. I noticed other Open Zeppelin contracts like PaymentSplitter did this so that they could contain preset (and sometimes immutable) data without the need to hardcode it. However, this is a more advanced technique, so it is left commented out.

I also added the suggestion for a new role: excluder. This is a lite admin role that can add new excluded addresses on the fly. If your default admin is a multisig or a governance contract, getting everyone to approve a new excluder role may be in vain and halt development. Thus, it is a role for a developer to be able to whitelist certain contract addresses that may cause an issue if taxes were turned on. For instance, a partner yield farm or aggregator may not be able to handle transfer taxes without risk of exploit.

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A People's Treasury(TM) contract.

/// @title The Taxable Contract v1.0.1
/// @author People's Treasury
/// @notice Creates an optional tax, flexible within a hardcoded range of 0.25% to 15%. Defaults to 10%.
/// @dev This contract emits events, stores tax vars, and performs checks.

 • Taxes are fractions of 10000, NOT percentages! This is so tax in percent can have two decimal places (like 0.25%). (10000 points = 100.00% = 1.0000x)
 • To use this contract for your own ERC20 token, perform the following tasks:
   - In addition to this and the ERC20 contract, import ReentrancyGuard.sol and AccessControl for security reasons:
        import "./Taxable.sol"
        import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
        import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
        import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
   - Call the contracts. Example:
        contract __YOURTOKEN__ is ReentrancyGuard, ERC20, AccessControl, Taxable {}
   - Add the PRESIDENT_ROLE, GOVERNOR_ROLE, and EXCLUDED_ROLE vars inside the contract as public constants:
        bytes32 public constant GOVERNOR_ROLE = keccak256("GOVERNOR_ROLE");
        bytes32 public constant PRESIDENT_ROLE = keccak256("PRESIDENT_ROLE");
        bytes32 public constant EXCLUDER_ROLE = keccak256("EXCLUDER_ROLE"); 
        bytes32 public constant EXCLUDED_ROLE = keccak256("EXCLUDED_ROLE"); 
   - In addition to the standard admin role, add the PRESIDENT_ROLE, GOVERNOR_ROLE, EXCLUDER_ROLE, and EXCLUDED_ROLE to the constructor:
        constructor() ERC20("__YOURTOKEN__", "__YOURTOKENSYMBOL__") {
            _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _grantRole(GOVERNOR_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _grantRole(PRESIDENT_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _grantRole(EXCLUDER_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _grantRole(EXCLUDED_ROLE, msg.sender);
            _mint(msg.sender, __INITIALMINT__ * 10 ** decimals());
   - Add the public functions for the GOVERNOR_ROLE to enable, disable, an update the tax:
        function enableTax() public onlyRole(GOVERNOR_ROLE) { _taxon(); }
        function disableTax() public onlyRole(GOVERNOR_ROLE) { _taxoff(); }
        function updateTax(uint newtax) public onlyRole(GOVERNOR_ROLE) { _updatetax(newtax); }
   - Add the public function for the PRESIDENT_ROLE to update the tax destination address:
        function updateTaxDestination(address newdestination) public onlyRole(PRESIDENT_ROLE) { _updatetaxdestination(newdestination); }
   - Add the public functions for the EXCLUDER_ROLE to more quickly add/remove addresses from the tax exclusion list:
        function addExcludedAddress(address newexcluded) public onlyRole(EXCLUDER_ROLE) { _grantRole(EXCLUDED_ROLE, newexcluded); }
        function removeExcludedAddress(address oldexcluded) public onlyRole(EXCLUDER_ROLE) { _revokeRole(EXCLUDED_ROLE, oldexcluded); }
   - Override the _transfer() function to perform the necessary tax functions:
        function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) // Overrides the _transfer() function to use an optional transfer tax.
            override(ERC20) // Specifies only the ERC20 contract for the override.
            nonReentrant // Prevents re-entrancy attacks.
                if(hasRole(EXCLUDED_ROLE, from) || hasRole(EXCLUDED_ROLE, to) || !taxed()) { // If to/from a tax excluded address or if tax is off...
                    super._transfer(from, to, amount); // Transfers 100% of amount to recipient.
                } else { // If not to/from a tax excluded address & tax is on...
                    require(balanceOf(from) >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); // Makes sure sender has the required total amount.
                    // If the above requirement is not met, then it is possible that the sender could pay the tax but not the recipient, which is bad...
                    super._transfer(from, taxdestination(), amount*thetax()/10000); // Transfers tax to the tax destination address.
                    super._transfer(from, to, amount*(10000-thetax())/10000); // Transfers the remainder to the recipient.
 • The EXCLUDED_ROLE is for any wallet or contract that would be contradicted to tax to/from such as the deployer, the treasury, or a vesting contract.
 • The EXCLUDER_ROLE can add/remove addresses from EXCLUDED_ROLE so exclusions can be made fast; this may be useful if DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE is a multisig.
 • The GOVERNOR_ROLE can be a governance controlled contract to enable/disable and change the tax amount based on proposal results.
 • The PRESIDENT_ROLE is not the GOVERNOR_ROLE because the address to change the destination address and tax amount is a target for an exploit.
 • It is recommended that the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE renounce either/both the PRESIDENT_ROLE and/or the GOVERNOR_ROLE and assign these to unconnected accounts.
 • The EXCLUDER_ROLE is a lite admin role and should not be the same as the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE or is redundant. Assign it to a trusted developer/manager.
 • Once all roles are set up, it is recommended that the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE add a Multisig admin and renounce the admin role as well as any unnecessary roles.
 • To send the tax to multiple end recipients, consider setting the tax destination address to a splitter contract like PaymentSplitter.sol or 0xSplits.
 • There are two ways to do the constructor. Keep the one you want. Comment out the one you don't want. 

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Modified from OpenZeppelin Contracts (last updated v4.7.0) (security/Pausable.sol)

pragma solidity ^0.8.0; // Must use solidity 0.8.0 or higher. Math isn't so safe otherwise...

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol"; // Context is imported to use _msgSender()

abstract contract Taxable is Context {

/// @dev Events defined for any contract changes.

	event TaxOn(address account); // Emits event "Tax On" when tax is enabled, returning the address of the Governor.
	event TaxOff(address account); // Emits event "Tax Off" when tax is disabled, returning the address of the Governor.
    event TaxChanged(address account); // Emits event "Tax Changed" when tax amount is updated, returning the address of the Governor.
	event TaxDestinationChanged(address account); // Emits event "Tax Destination Changed" when tax destination is changed, returning the address of the President.

/// @dev Name and type of constants defined.

	bool private _taxed; // Stores whether tax is enabled/disabled in a boolean.
	uint private _thetax; // Stores tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    uint private _maxtax; // Stores maximum tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    uint private _mintax; // Stores minimum tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    address private _taxdestination; // Stores tax destination as a blockchain address type.

/// @dev Constructor adds values to constants in one of two ways: OPTION 1: hardcoded, OPTION 2: passing arguments. Comment out

// OPTION 1: Standard, hardcoded. Note that min/max tax are hardcoded and immutable.

	constructor() {
        _taxed = false; // Tax is off by default.
        _thetax = 1000; // Default tax set to 10.00% = 1000 points.
        _maxtax = 1500; // Maximum tax hardcoded to 15.00% = 1500 points.
        _mintax = 25; // Minimum tax hardcoded to 0.25% = 25 points.
        _taxdestination = _msgSender(); // Tax destination defaults to deployer. Change to fresh, dedicated, and secure hot or cold treasury wallet.

// OPTION 2: Advanced, inherited. Note that min/max tax are not hardcoded but still immutable. Remember: taxes are fractions of 10000, NOT percentages!

	constructor(bool __taxed, uint __thetax, uint __maxtax, uint __mintax, address __taxdestination) {
        _taxed = __taxed; // Recommended: false 
        _thetax = __thetax; // Recommended: 1000 ; 1000 = 10%
        _maxtax = __maxtax; // Recommended: 1500 ; 1500 = 15%
        _mintax = __mintax; // Recommended: 25 ; 25 = 0.25%
        _taxdestination = __taxdestination; // Recommend a fresh, dedicated secure treasury hot or cold wallet that is not the deployer.

// Update the constructor of the token contract to include the arguments:
//      constructor(bool taxed_, uint thetax_, uint maxtax_, uint mintax_, address taxdestination_)
//          ERC20("__YOURTOKEN__", "__YOURTOKENSYMBOL__")
//          Taxable(taxed_, thetax_, maxtax_, mintax_, taxdestination_) {}

/// @dev Modifiers throw errors if conditions are not met.

	modifier whenNotTaxed() { // Modifier for requiring the tax be off in order for the caller function to work.
        _requireNotTaxed(); // Function requires tax be off.

	modifier whenTaxed() { // Modifier for requiring the tax be on in order for the caller function to work.
        _requireTaxed(); // Function requires tax be on.

/// @dev Public view functions allow privately stored constants to be interfaced.

	function taxed() public view virtual returns (bool) { // Function enables public interface for tax enabled/disabled boolean.
        return _taxed; // Returns true if tax is enabled, false if it is disabled.

    function thetax() public view virtual returns (uint) { // Function enables public interface for tax amount in points.
        return _thetax; // Returns the current tax amount in points.

    function taxdestination() public view virtual returns (address) { // Function enables public interface for tax destination address.
        return _taxdestination; // Returns the destination address for the tax.

/// @dev Internal view functions contain the require() statements for the modifiers to use.

	function _requireNotTaxed() internal view virtual { // Function is used in the whenNotTaxed() modifier.
        require(!taxed(), "Taxable: taxed"); // Throws the call if the tax is disabled.

	function _requireTaxed() internal view virtual { // Function is used in the whenTaxed() modifier.
        require(taxed(), "Taxable: not taxed"); // Throws the call if the tax is enabled.

/// @dev Internal virtual functions perform the requested contract updates and emit the events to the blockchain.

	function _taxon() internal virtual whenNotTaxed { // Function turns on the tax if it was disabled and emits "Tax On" event.
        _taxed = true; // Sets the tax enabled boolean to true, enabling the tax.
        emit TaxOn(_msgSender()); // Emits the "Tax On" event to the blockchain.

	function _taxoff() internal virtual whenTaxed { // Function turns off the tax if it was enabled and emits "Tax Off" event.
        _taxed = false; // Sets the tax enabled boolean to false, disabling the tax.
        emit TaxOff(_msgSender()); // Emits the "Tax Off" event to the blockchain.

    function _updatetax(uint newtax) internal virtual { // Function updates the tax amount if in allowable range and emits "Tax Changed" event.
        require(newtax <= _maxtax, "Taxable: tax is too high"); // Throws the call if the new tax is above the maximum tax.
        require(newtax >= _mintax, "Taxable: tax is too low"); // Throws the call if the new tax is below the minimum tax.
        _thetax = newtax; // Sets the tax amount integer to the new value, updating the tax amount.
        emit TaxChanged(_msgSender());  // Emits the "Tax Changed" event to the blockchain.

	function _updatetaxdestination(address newdestination) internal virtual { // Function updates the tax destination address and emits "Tax Destination Changed" event.
        _taxdestination = newdestination; // Sets the tax destination address to the new value, updating the tax destination address.
        emit TaxDestinationChanged(_msgSender());  // Emits the "Tax Destination Changed" event to the blockchain.

See an active deployment using the inherited arguments ("OPTION 2") here:

Please note this has additional security measures like minting to the treasury wallet from a fresh deployer address as well as granting roles to a treasury hot wallet and multisig instead of the deployer address. I'm a little paranoid that the deployer keys are on my computer, so I only gave it the snapshot and excluder roles and distributed the others before hand to their recommended addresses. I also preset the tax destination address to the treasury hot wallet instead of the deployer.

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Launched another token with the Taxable contract. Removed some of the comments but essentially the same as the above version:

It has a more centralized theme. Could be useful for a social token where the purpose is to raise money for the artist or perhaps a treasury backed token with a public facing entity.

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A People's Treasury(TM) contract.

/// @title The Taxable Contract v1.0.1
/// @author People's Treasury
/// @notice Creates an optional tax, flexible within an immutable range.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.0; // Must use solidity 0.8.0 or higher. Math isn't so safe otherwise...

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol"; // Context is imported to use _msgSender()

abstract contract Taxable is Context {

/// @dev Events defined for any contract changes.

	event TaxOn(address account); // Emits event "Tax On" when tax is enabled, returning the address of the Governor.
	event TaxOff(address account); // Emits event "Tax Off" when tax is disabled, returning the address of the Governor.
    event TaxChanged(address account); // Emits event "Tax Changed" when tax amount is updated, returning the address of the Governor.
	event TaxDestinationChanged(address account); // Emits event "Tax Destination Changed" when tax destination is changed, returning the address of the President.

/// @dev Name and type of constants defined.

	bool private _taxed; // Stores whether tax is enabled/disabled in a boolean.
	uint private _thetax; // Stores tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    uint private _maxtax; // Stores maximum tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    uint private _mintax; // Stores minimum tax amount as a uint256 integer.
    address private _taxdestination; // Stores tax destination as a blockchain address type.

/// @dev Constructor adds values to constants by passing arguments from token constructor.

	constructor(bool __taxed, uint __thetax, uint __maxtax, uint __mintax, address __taxdestination) {
        _taxed = __taxed; // Recommended: false 
        _thetax = __thetax; // Recommended: 1000 ; 1000 = 10%
        _maxtax = __maxtax; // Recommended: 1500 ; 1500 = 15%
        _mintax = __mintax; // Recommended: 25 ; 25 = 0.25%
        _taxdestination = __taxdestination; // Recommend a fresh, dedicated secure treasury hot or cold wallet that is not the deployer.

/// @dev Modifiers throw errors if conditions are not met.

	modifier whenNotTaxed() { // Modifier for requiring the tax be off in order for the caller function to work.
        _requireNotTaxed(); // Function requires tax be off.

	modifier whenTaxed() { // Modifier for requiring the tax be on in order for the caller function to work.
        _requireTaxed(); // Function requires tax be on.

/// @dev Public view functions allow privately stored constants to be interfaced.

	function taxed() public view virtual returns (bool) { // Function enables public interface for tax enabled/disabled boolean.
        return _taxed; // Returns true if tax is enabled, false if it is disabled.

    function thetax() public view virtual returns (uint) { // Function enables public interface for tax amount in points.
        return _thetax; // Returns the current tax amount in points.

    function taxdestination() public view virtual returns (address) { // Function enables public interface for tax destination address.
        return _taxdestination; // Returns the destination address for the tax.

/// @dev Internal view functions contain the require() statements for the modifiers to use.

	function _requireNotTaxed() internal view virtual { // Function is used in the whenNotTaxed() modifier.
        require(!taxed(), "Taxable: taxed"); // Throws the call if the tax is disabled.

	function _requireTaxed() internal view virtual { // Function is used in the whenTaxed() modifier.
        require(taxed(), "Taxable: not taxed"); // Throws the call if the tax is enabled.

/// @dev Internal virtual functions perform the requested contract updates and emit the events to the blockchain.

	function _taxon() internal virtual whenNotTaxed { // Function turns on the tax if it was disabled and emits "Tax On" event.
        _taxed = true; // Sets the tax enabled boolean to true, enabling the tax.
        emit TaxOn(_msgSender()); // Emits the "Tax On" event to the blockchain.

	function _taxoff() internal virtual whenTaxed { // Function turns off the tax if it was enabled and emits "Tax Off" event.
        _taxed = false; // Sets the tax enabled boolean to false, disabling the tax.
        emit TaxOff(_msgSender()); // Emits the "Tax Off" event to the blockchain.

    function _updatetax(uint newtax) internal virtual { // Function updates the tax amount if in allowable range and emits "Tax Changed" event.
        require(newtax <= _maxtax, "Taxable: tax is too high"); // Throws the call if the new tax is above the maximum tax.
        require(newtax >= _mintax, "Taxable: tax is too low"); // Throws the call if the new tax is below the minimum tax.
        _thetax = newtax; // Sets the tax amount integer to the new value, updating the tax amount.
        emit TaxChanged(_msgSender());  // Emits the "Tax Changed" event to the blockchain.

	function _updatetaxdestination(address newdestination) internal virtual { // Function updates the tax destination address and emits "Tax Destination Changed" event.
        _taxdestination = newdestination; // Sets the tax destination address to the new value, updating the tax destination address.
        emit TaxDestinationChanged(_msgSender());  // Emits the "Tax Destination Changed" event to the blockchain.

Please note the additional access controls. These break out exclusions into to/from and add an "always taxed" to/from for certain addresses. May be useful for discouraging certain actions like unstaking or redeeming.

Here is a cleaned up contract using DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE to control all tax related events (vs. splitting the responsibilities as recommended above):

/// @title Your Token
/// @author Your Name
/// @notice Your Token Description.
/// @dev Access control. Taxable.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol";
import "./Taxable.sol";

contract YourToken is ReentrancyGuard, ERC20, AccessControl, Taxable {

    bytes32 public constant NOT_TAXED_FROM = keccak256("NOT_TAXED_FROM");
    bytes32 public constant NOT_TAXED_TO = keccak256("NOT_TAXED_TO");
    bytes32 public constant ALWAYS_TAXED_FROM = keccak256("ALWAYS_TAXED_FROM");
    bytes32 public constant ALWAYS_TAXED_TO = keccak256("ALWAYS_TAXED_TO");

        string memory __name,
        string memory __symbol,
        bool __taxed,
        uint __thetax,
        uint __maxtax,
        uint __mintax,
        address __owner,
        ERC20(__name, __symbol)
        Taxable(__taxed, __thetax, __maxtax, __mintax, __owner)
        _grantRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, __owner);
        _grantRole(NOT_TAXED_FROM, __owner);
        _grantRole(NOT_TAXED_TO, __owner);
        _grantRole(NOT_TAXED_FROM, address(this));
        _grantRole(NOT_TAXED_TO, address(this));
        _mint(__owner, 5000 * 10 ** decimals());

    function enableTax() public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {

    function disableTax() public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {

    function updateTax(uint newtax) public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {

    function updateTaxDestination(address newdestination) public onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) {

   function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount)
        if (hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender)) {
            super._transfer(from, to, amount);
        } else {
            if((hasRole(NOT_TAXED_FROM, from) || hasRole(NOT_TAXED_TO, to) || !taxed())
            && !hasRole(ALWAYS_TAXED_FROM, from) && !hasRole(ALWAYS_TAXED_TO, to)) {
                super._transfer(from, to, amount);
            } else { 
                require(balanceOf(from) >= amount, "Error: transfer amount exceeds balance");
                super._transfer(from, taxdestination(), amount*thetax()/10000); 
                super._transfer(from, to, amount*(10000-thetax())/10000);

The last function above uses DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE as a complete exemption from tax role. Breaking this out into its own role may be helpful for sending tokens on behalf of another using a transferFrom() call.

(Just a side note, I know I could combine the two if statements a little better to avoid a line or two of code, but it made sense for me to write is that way because it is easier for me to read the nested if statement.)

In the future, I think performing some of the access controls in the Taxable contract may make things easier to implement. I don't intend to write that, but if someone wants to tweak this for their own contract library, what that would do would cut down on the amount of copy and paste into the token contract. You would just need the import, declaration, modifier, and _transfer() override... at the cost of a more complex constructor with arrays. I also think moving some of the math, at least the denominator, to the taxable contract would clean up the _transfer() override a little.

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Thanks so much for sharing this. :pray:

I was wondering, why did you put the renentrancy guard in the _transfer function? I don't think it's needed. After all internally we're not transferring any ETH or something. There's no way for external code to run. The _transfer will run to completion. It's just re arranging the balances of the contract.

Am I missing something?

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Actually I was looking for exactly that. But I am a total noob in Solidity and have no clue on how to implement it. I tried to ask chatGPT for help but only getting errors that i am not able to solve.
I am using solidity 0.8.20
Would you have any tutorial on how to include this in an existing contract by any chance? Can I just copy/paste it in Remix in my existing contract? Which are the parts that I need to modify?
Thanks in advance!