Error in plugin @nomicfoundationhttps/hardhat-verify: The address provided as argument contains a contract, but its bytecode doesn't match any of your local contracts.
Possible causes are:
The artifact for that contract is outdated or missing. You can try compiling the project again with the --force flag before re-running the verification.
The contract's code changed after the deployment was executed. Sometimes this happens by changes in seemingly unrelated contracts.
The solidity compiler settings were modified after the deployment was executed (like the optimizer, target EVM, etc.)
The given address is wrong.
The selected network (mainnet) is wrong.
I don't understand how the bytecode wouldn't match up. I didn't change any code in my main .sol contract, but I did change code in the hardhat.config.js to accomodate the new plugin..
I tried to verify via flatten but got errors on
Any clues?