Hi ,
i am creating a smartcontract on BSC which receive specific BSC tokens and transfer it to smartcontract.
and then using Pancakeswap router to swap that token to MyOwnToken.
but i am unable to integrate to receive native BNB . though it works for WBNB.
any minimal example to do this?
below is code i am using...
//receiving token from user to smartcontract
IBEP20(fromToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
//swapping token
function swap(
address _tokenIn,
address _tokenOut,
uint256 _amountIn,
uint256 _amountOutMin,
address _to
) private {
//next we need to allow the pancakeswap router to spend the token we just sent to this contract
//by calling IBEP20 approve you allow the pancakeswap contract to spend the tokens in this contract
IBEP20(_tokenIn).safeApprove(PANCAKESWAP_ROUTER, _amountIn);
//path is an array of addresses.
//this path array will have 3 addresses [tokenIn, WBNB, tokenOut]
//the if statement below takes into account if token in or token out is WBNB. then the path is only 2 addresses
address[] memory path;
if (_tokenIn == WBNB || _tokenOut == WBNB) {
path = new address[](2);
path[0] = _tokenIn;
path[1] = _tokenOut;
} else {
path = new address[](3);
path[0] = _tokenIn;
path[1] = WBNB;
path[2] = _tokenOut;
//then we will call swapExactTokensForTokens
//for the deadline we will pass in block.timestamp
//the deadline is the latest time the trade is valid for