Hard to say not seeing the code, see what you're calling "override" on, but it's likely tranferFrom calls transfer so that's the one.
The "tax" or fee structure uses a modified _burn from the *20 (ERC20/modified BEP20 in circulation) contracts, and you can use it -- just make the burn address the tax recipient address.
Here's an elaborate, dual-rate way, this is only for ^solc-0.8.0, put SafeMath back in for lesser compilers:
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount)
returns (bool) {
_transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
uint256 currentAllowance = _allowances[sender][_msgSender()];
require(currentAllowance >= amount, "amount exceeds allowance");
unchecked {
_approve(sender, _msgSender(), currentAllowance - amount);
return true;
And the elaborate transfer, you don't really need the swap stuff if you're not pairing on your own DEX (router):
function _transfer(
address sender,
address recipient,
uint256 amount
blacklisted(sender, recipient)
antiWhale(sender, recipient, amount)
NoContractsOn(sender, recipient)
// swap and liquify
if (
swapAndLiquifyEnabled == true &&
_inSwapAndLiquify == false &&
address(admireSwapRouter) != address(0) &&
admireSwapPair != address(0) &&
sender != admireSwapPair &&
sender != owner()
) {
//} else if (recipient == CHARITY_ADDRESS || transferTaxRate == 0) {
if (charityRate > 0 && transferTaxRate == 0) {
uint256 charityAmount = amount*(charityRate)/(10000);
uint256 sendAmount = amount-(charityAmount);
super._transfer(sender, CHARITY_ADDRESS, charityAmount);
super._transfer(sender, recipient, sendAmount);
amount = sendAmount;
} else if (charityRate == 0 || transferTaxRate == 0) {
super._transfer(sender, recipient, amount);
} else {
// default tax is 5% of every transfer
uint256 taxAmount = amount*(transferTaxRate)/(10000);
uint256 charityAmount = taxAmount*(charityRate)/(10000);
uint256 liquidityAmount = taxAmount-(charityAmount);
taxAmount == charityAmount + liquidityAmount,
"transfer: Charity val invalid"
// default 95% of transfer sent to recipient
uint256 sendAmount = amount-(taxAmount);
amount == sendAmount + taxAmount,
"transfer: Tax val invalid"
super._transfer(sender, CHARITY_ADDRESS, charityAmount);
//super._transfer(sender, address(this), liquidityAmount);
super._transfer(sender, TAX_ADDRESS, liquidityAmount);
super._transfer(sender, recipient, sendAmount);
amount = sendAmount;