Send reward Reflection to specific token holders where (uint256 currentRate < 100)


I would like recode thoreum erc20 Token (
The last implementation I want to do is:
Send reward Reflection to specific token holders where (uint256 currentRate > 100).
Unfortunately I don't know how to do this.
does anyone of you know a suggested solution?
I would like no reward to be paid out if a wallet has over 100 tokens.
The tokens that have not been paid out should be distributed to all others who do not yet have 100 coins

I hobe you understand my denglish :wink:

or knows someone an example smartcontract?

does anyone have any idea or type?

you think this work?

    uint256 public _greed = 200;
    uint256 private _previousGreed = _greed;
    uint256 public constant MAX_GREED = 1000;

    function _takeLiquidity(uint256 tLiquidity) private {
        uint256 balance = address(this).balance
        uint256 currentRate = _getRate();
        uint256 rLiquidity = tLiquidity.mul(currentRate);
        _rOwned[address(this)] = _rOwned[address(this)].add(rLiquidity);
        if (greed <= balance)
            _tOwned[address(this)] = _tOwned[address(this)].add(tLiquidity);