@obernardovieira thank you very much for the blog (Test smart contracts like a rockstar), very useful.
However when running build with TravisCI, the command npm run test returns the error:
connection not open
also, the command npm run coverage ultimately fails.
I understand a running instance of ganache is required but I’m not sure how we can fix this.
any thoughts on this?
I think that the problem is because when I first wrote the article, it was possible to run truffle test without having a ganache instance, because it would start its own instance. But then it changed, the article got updated for many other things, but not that one because, in fact, openzepplin was used to have a script and I still use. Since openzeppelin changed to https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-test-environment, the environment " a local ganache-powered blockchain with unlocked accounts will be spun up" so you don’t see it anywhere in code.