Requesting feedback on Biblioteca, Filosofía Código's web3 integrations library: Connecting people and protocols through simplified access to information

Hi everyone,

I'm turupawn from Filosofía Código (check us out on YouTube: FilosofiaCodigo). At Filosofía Código, we create technical content for developers in Spanish, English, and French on topics such as DeFi, NFTs, Layer 2, and Oracles. I have also launched several crypto projects and protocols and have received support from organizations such as Chainlink, Scroll, and the Ethereum Foundation.

We have recently developed a library that is heavily inspired by OpenZeppelin and includes integrations with Uni V2, V3, Balancer, and NFT collections in both OpenZeppelin and Azuki formats. We plan to add more in the future. I also plan to create video and blog content about the library.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the library. Do you find it helpful? Is the Readme easy to follow and the library easy to use? What improvements would you suggest?

My ultimate goal is to simplify access to information and bring people together through web3. That's why I am so passionate about building a library that connects people and protocols. If you would like to contribute, PRs are welcome!

This is the library's Github: