Recommendation for Tutorial or documents for understanding Upgradeable UUPS smart contracts

Can anyone here recommend a really good video tutorial or documentation (Preferably video tutorial) that explains UUPS Upgradeable Smart Contracts? I realize there is a little thing called Google, but sometimes good tutorials get left out of the search results so i thought id take my chances here. Please don't direct me to open zeppelin docs its far too complex with far too much inheritance and a gazillion and one functions. Not even remotely digestible for where i am at with smart contract development. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or learning resources.

Here's a workshop about UUPS proxies that I gave last year.

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Frangio thank you for the response. As it turns out, i ended up finding your tutorial online a day or two after my post and it was excellent. By far the most comprehensive on Upgradeable contracts and you explained everything very well. That being said, hope to see some additional videos/tutorials in the future as it is a fairly complex topic that so far only you are able to explain . Thanks again for the response and great content!

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