My first question is, if I want to add Pausable features, do I need simply change the 1st line to:
contract CustomToken is ERC20Detailed, ERC20Mintable, ERC20Pausable {}
Is this correct ? Or do I need to do additional steps ?
By default, if I add ERC20Pausable to my token. It is paused already ? Or do I have to paused it after the smart contract is deployed ?
By default, do we need to add PauserRole to the sender ? Or is it behaving like ERC20Mintable ? Where the deployer is automatically added as the first MinterRole.
In case, I want to pause the trade only limited to some specific accounts not all, is this possible ?
Is it currently supported ?
If the token trade is paused. Does the CrowdSale still able to be done ?
PausableToken.sol pauses functions: transfer, transferFrom, approve, increaseApproval and decreaseApproval . If your Crowdsale contract uses one of those function it can’t work (it probably uses transfer for token delivery)
Hi @Charles808
Assuming @paulinablaszk excellent reply answered your question, can you please mark it as the solution to your question.
ERC20Pausable doesn’t stop token minting (you could add this functionality to your token) and if you use a MintedCrowdsale, then pausing the token doesn’t pause the Crowdsale as mint is used to deliver the tokens. Though you could allow pausing a Crowdsale using PausableCrowdsale
Thank you for response.
All of the answers actually can be found from the source code just like what you had stated.
But, since I’m still new using this library and also the solidity language. I still have doubt whether it is working as what I’ve thought.
Your answers has cleared doubt.
Hi paulinablaszk
How did you implement Pausable functionality in smart contract i need to know i am new in to ethereum and solidity and i am working on ERC20 Project