I just read @spalladino’s new post:
What a great way to test out if your contract upgrades are going to work on the main-net, prior to actually DOING it on the main net. Forking allows you to test out your upgrade on the current status of your smart contracts.
What is the best way to connet to a Rinkeby node? The tutorial says:
$ ganache-cli --fork $RINKEBYNODE --unlock "$USER" --unlock "$ADMIN" --port 9545 --networkId 1004 --deterministic
What should we use for $RINKEBYNODE ? For example if we connet via infura:
--fork 'https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/<<infura API key here>>'
but how do we then unlock $USER and $ADMIN? (and be sure we have those private keys in ganace?) Should we rather than use --deterministic, should we use --mnemonic and then use our development memonic? To be be sure we have access to $USER and $ADMIN?