Question about code

hi i'am student and i start learn ethernaut program for exerce blockchain developpement i have issue

ownerAddr = await contract.owner();
await contract.contributions('0x9CB391dbcD447E645D6Cb55dE6ca23164130D008').then(v => v.toString())

// Output '1000000000000000000000'

this Q2 need to become owner of payable fallback but i don't understant why add .then(v=>v.toString()) ?

v is the result of what is returned by the contributions function which is a promise:

But I wouldn't do it that way:

const result = await contract.contributions('0x9CB391dbcD447E645D6Cb55dE6ca23164130D008')


in .then() you collect what the promise gives you back to do something with it. I would mix the traditional way of making promises with your error checking, the .catch(), in this way:

v is the result of what is returned by the contributions function.

But I wouldn't do it that way:

const result = await contract.contributions('0x9CB391dbcD447E645D6Cb55dE6ca23164130D008').catch((error) => {
    console.log("Error ", error);


the reserved word await belongs to another, much more convenient way of managing promises:

async await