ProviderError: Error: Transaction reverted: function selector was not recognized and there's no fallback function

I'm trying to call a function[propose] from Openzeppelin governor.sol. The function is like this...

function propose(
        address[] memory targets,
        uint256[] memory values,
        bytes[] memory calldatas,
        string memory description
    ) public virtual override returns (uint256) {
            getVotes(msg.sender, block.number - 1) >= proposalThreshold(),
            "GovernorCompatibilityBravo: proposer votes below proposal threshold"

        uint256 proposalId = hashProposal(targets, values, calldatas, keccak256(bytes(description)));

        require(targets.length == values.length, "Governor: invalid proposal length");
        require(targets.length == calldatas.length, "Governor: invalid proposal length");
        require(targets.length > 0, "Governor: empty proposal");

        ProposalCore storage proposal = _proposals[proposalId];
        require(proposal.voteStart.isUnset(), "Governor: proposal already exists");

        uint64 snapshot = block.number.toUint64() + votingDelay().toUint64();
        uint64 deadline = snapshot + votingPeriod().toUint64();


        emit ProposalCreated(
            new string[](targets.length),

        return proposalId;

I've used this function in my different contract like this...

function propose(
    address[] memory targets,
    uint256[] memory values,
    bytes[] memory calldatas,
    string memory description
  ) public override(Governor, IGovernor) returns (uint256) {
    return super.propose(targets, values, calldatas, description);

finally, after successfully deploying it and when it comes to using it for a function proposal, I'm using the Box.sol's store function to govern on.

// Stores a new value in the contract
  function store(uint256 newValue) public onlyOwner {
    value = newValue;
    emit ValueChanged(newValue);

First I made the, function selector like this...

const governor = await ethers.getContract("GovernorContract");
const box = await ethers.getContract("Box");

const encodedFunctionCall = box.interface.encodeFunctionData('store', [77]);

and on consoling, I'm getting this selector in bytes...


Now, I'm calling the propose function...

const proposeTx = await governor.propose(

But here, I'm getting the error...

Error: Transaction reverted: function selector was not recognized and there's no fallback function
      at Box.<unrecognized-selector> (contracts/Box.sol:6)

Actually, it is not recognizing the store function of box.sol. I've already compiled the contract many time, but getting the same error.