Hello guys! I had an issue with trying to compile a smart contract for my token which I created like 100 days ago. I have come to a point where I realized I should have verified the ownership of the token right away for a better project development, and here I am trying to accomplish it 100 days later.
I am lucky that I found an actual screenshot of the code that I compiled for my project, here it is:
I compiled it on Remix Ethereum in September, and when I checked for the compiler version of that time it should be version v0.8.22+commit.4fc1097e.
the code compiled, all good, then I tried to flatten it and it came with a little error, a missing SPDX
When you check the initial code for the contract, it says it is using a MIT licence, so therefor I put it at the top as it suggested me to
Now it appears there are no errors and so.
Now, when I get to Polygonscan for verifying the ownership this is what I set up
Next up I copy paste the flattened version of the code into the Enter the Solidity Contract Code below section and I still get this error:
What else I could try to solve this?