Problem to deploy upgradeable contract on mainnet

Hi all.
I had a problem when my upgradeable contract was deployed on mainnet.
For the 3 contracts, was only deployed the first, (without proxy’s contract and without proxyadmin’s contract)
What can i do to deploy these contract without redeployng the first one? (I have the tx hash of my deployed contract)

Thanks in advance

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A ProxyAdmin is a contract that acts as the owner of all your proxies. Only one per network gets deployed.

and there is a tutorial, hope it can give you some idea:

OpenZeppelin Upgrades: Step by Step Tutorial for Hardhat - General / Guides and Tutorials - OpenZeppelin Community

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Hi @Pablo_Paganini,

Are you using Truffle or Hardhat?
What was the error?

Assuming that your deployment halted due to network congestion, deployProxy in your migrations (Truffle) or deployment script will pickup from where it left off and deploy the remaining contracts.

Hi @abcoathup

I’m using truffle.

The problem was a timeout
“Transaction was not mined within 750 seconds, please make sure your transaction was properly sent. Be aware that it might still be mined!.”

How can I do to continue with the incomplete process?


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Hi @Pablo_Paganini,

You should check if the transaction did get mined.

You can then set an appropriate gas price and then you can try to rerun the migrate. This will deploy the outstanding contracts.

The upgrades plugin will store the tx hash of the contracts it deploys, and when you rerun it after a timeout it will not redeploy them unless the transaction was somehow removed from the mempool and never mined.

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Thank guys,
I know that my contract was mined.
I will try to deploy again the others contracts.

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Hi all,
When i was trying to re deploy, I had this error.

Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block:

And the process abort.
How can I solve this issue?

Thanks in advance

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This doesn’t look like it was caused by our plugin. At what point did this error appear?

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