November 20, 2020, 2:14pm
Hey @abcoathup !
First, great article(s), you have been so helpful in my learning of solidity this past year. So thank you!
Deploy the contract to a public network
I am confused when you get to this seciton. Your screen shot after running truffle migrate shows:
ImplementationContract (Box)
When I run mine locally I only receive AdminUpgradeabilityProxy
deployed confirmations.
Why would this be?
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Hi @tspoon ,
Welcome to the community
Thanks for the thank you
Only one ProxyAdmin gets deployed per network (and per project) See: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/faq#what-is-a-proxy-admin
I assume that you have already deployed on that network, so the ProxyAdmin and implementation contracts have already been deployed, so only the proxy needs to be deployed.
You could check what values there are in your network file: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/network-files#network.json
Public network files should be tracked under version control: https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/network-files#configuration-files-in-version-control
Were you deploying to a public network or a local network such as ganache?
Hi @tspoon ,
Were you able to resolve?