I am working on a tool that is sweeping the chain and figure out what is getting deployed.
I would like to know if there is a way I can tell that the contract uses open zeppelin library.
For instance, an ERC20. I noticed that the OZ standard is allowing 0 transfer,
The gas is in the 50k range,
This of course is before verification on etherscan. Is there another check that can help me determine if this contract uses OZ library or might be using them before the contract get`s verified?
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What do you want to use this tool for?
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It's a tool to filter out deceptive content. 99% of what is getting deployed on chain is deceptive. While etherescan have the cards that do a similar job. It's not accurate enough to rely on it plus you have to be aware of the address. So I have automated the process.
I have notice that most of the time the deceptive token do not use OZ lib because it raises the cost of their deployment. So right now i do an elimination process by doing several check but i thought there might be a trick to do this that i'm not aware of.
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As I was running test on the latest OZ library I have realized that the custom errors could potentially help there as well.