Member “increaseAllowance” not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract IERC20

Hi @abcoathup,

I’m facing this error while trying to implementing your solution:

Member “increaseAllowance” not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in contract IERC20

@openzeppelin/contracts: ^4.0.0
solidity 0.8.3

Any idea about how to resolve it ? Thanks

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Hi @Tanteli,

Welcome to the community :wave:

I just updated the example to OpenZeppelin Contracts 4: Example on how to use ERC20 token in another contract

Do you want to try again, as I am not sure why you are getting the error.


Hi @abcoathup ,

Thank you, I solved it. I was just confused about the parameters in allowance and transferFrom functions.

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How do you solve it can you help me explain a bit ?