I've got in hardhat node good log, but in js unit test another, bad result

I have following variables in smart contract:

    struct User {
        uint index;
        uint parent;
        bool isRight;
        uint plateau;
        bool isValue;
        uint claim;
        uint gift;

    mapping(address => User) Addresses;
    address[] Indices;

then that method:

    function goUp(uint parentIndex, uint startIndex) private {
        address parentWallet = Indices[parentIndex];
        User memory nextUser = Addresses[parentWallet];
        uint8 i = 2;
        console.log("toUp iteration");
        while (i <= 5) {
            if (!nextUser.isRight || nextUser.parent == 0) {
            // todo: think about remove this variable (nextUser)
            nextUser = Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]];
            if (i == 2 || i == 3) {
                console.log("from", startIndex);
                console.log("gift before", nextUser.gift);
                Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].gift = nextUser.gift + 0.01 ether;
                console.log("added gift to", nextUser.index);
                console.log("gift after", Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].gift);
            if (i == 4 || i == 5) {
                console.log("from", startIndex);
                console.log("claim before", nextUser.claim);
                Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].claim = nextUser.claim + 0.01 ether;
                console.log("added claim to", nextUser.index);
                console.log("claim after", Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].claim);
                if (i == 5) {
                    console.log("Go to next matrix");

In hardhat node I have good log, claim and gift has right balances, but in unit tests after all iterations I have another result, that decremented on one iteration

      console.log('index:', j + 1, users[j].wallet.address)
      console.log('wallet balance', ethers.utils.formatEther(balance))
      console.log('gas: ', users[j].gasUsed)
      console.log('user.gift:', ethers.utils.formatEther(user['gift']))
      console.log('user.claim:', ethers.utils.formatEther(user['claim']))

What the reason of that behavior can be?

What env do you use for your unit tests VS when you use hardhat node ?
Could the contract be set/called differently in both cases?

standard hardhat localhost node and tests.
It seems like in loop executed only first iteration, however console.log(); in contract (and node logs) looks right.

console.log("gift after", Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].gift);
console.log("claim after", Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].claim);

But really that Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].claim/gift not saved in storage in fact...

Full code of contract and tests.


  let p, runRegistrations
  before(async () => {
    p = await prepare()
    runRegistrations = async (total) => {
      const wallets = await getWallets(2),
        users = []

      for (const index in [...Array(total).keys()]) {
        const tx = await wallets[index].sendTransaction({
          to: p.CoreToken.address,
          value: ethers.utils.parseEther('0.01'),

        // example for check gas used
        const receipt = await tx.wait();
        const gasUsed = receipt.gasUsed.toNumber()

          wallet: wallets[index],

      return users

  it('check registration and resulting gift and claim', async () => {
    const users = await runRegistrations(66)

    console.info('=========wallets after all=========')
    for (let j = 0; j < users.length; j++) {
      const balance = await waffle.provider.getBalance(users[j].wallet.address)
      const user = await p.FirstLevelContract.connect(users[j].wallet.address).getUser(users[j].wallet.address)

      console.log('index:', j + 1, users[j].wallet.address)
      console.log('wallet balance', ethers.utils.formatEther(balance))
      console.log('gas: ', users[j].gasUsed)
      console.log('user.gift:', ethers.utils.formatEther(user['gift']))
      console.log('user.claim:', ethers.utils.formatEther(user['claim']))

    console.info('=========core balance after all=========')
    const coreBalance = await p.CoreToken.provider.getBalance(p.CoreToken.address)
    console.log('core wallet:', p.CoreToken.address)

    await expect(true).to.equal(true)


And contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "hardhat/console.sol";
import "./Core.sol";

contract MatrixTemplate {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    address Deployer;
    uint matrixIndex;
    address CoreAddress;

    constructor(address _deployer, uint index, address _coreAddress) {
        console.log("MatrixTemplate constructor");
        register(_deployer, true);
        Deployer = _deployer;
        matrixIndex = index;
        CoreAddress = _coreAddress;

    struct User {
        uint index;
        uint parent;
        bool isRight;
        uint plateau;
        bool isValue;
        uint claim;
        uint gift;

    mapping(address => User) Addresses;
    address[] Indices;

    function register(address wallet, bool isTop) public {
        // todo: disable for 20 top matrix

        User memory user;

        if (isTop) {
            user = User(0, 0, false, 0, true, 0, 0);
        } else {
            // plateau number calculation (for current registration)
            uint plateau = log2(Indices.length + 2);
            uint subPreviousTotal;
            if (plateau < 2) {
                subPreviousTotal = 0;
            } else {
                subPreviousTotal = getSumOfPlateau(0, plateau - 2);

            // get total in current plateau
            //        uint totalPlateau = 2 ** (plateau - 1);
            //        console.log("Total in plateau:", totalPlateau);

            // get total in start to sub previous plateau
            uint previousTotal = getSumOfPlateau(0, plateau - 1);

            // get current number in current plateau
            uint currentNum = Indices.length - previousTotal + 1;

            // and check mod for detect left or right on parent
            uint mod = currentNum.mod(2);

            // detect parentNum
            uint parentNum = currentNum.div(2);
            if (parentNum < 1) {
                parentNum = 1;
            } else {
                parentNum = parentNum + mod;
            uint parentIndex = subPreviousTotal + parentNum - 1;
            user = User(Indices.length, parentIndex, false, plateau, true, 0, 0);
            if (mod == 0) {
                if (parentIndex > 0) {
                    goUp(parentIndex, Indices.length);
                user.isRight = true;

            address parentWallet = Indices[parentIndex];
            Core CoreInstance = Core(payable(CoreAddress));
            CoreInstance.sendHalf(parentWallet, matrixIndex);

        Addresses[wallet] = user;

    function goUp(uint parentIndex, uint startIndex) private {
        address parentWallet = Indices[parentIndex];
        User memory nextUser = Addresses[parentWallet];
        uint8 i = 2;
        console.log("toUp iteration");
        while (i <= 5) {
            if (!nextUser.isRight || nextUser.parent == 0) {
            // todo: think about remove this variable (nextUser)
            nextUser = Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]];
            if (i == 2 || i == 3) {
                console.log("from", startIndex);
                console.log("gift before", nextUser.gift);
                Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].gift = nextUser.gift + 0.01 ether;
                console.log("added gift to", nextUser.index);
                console.log("gift after", Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].gift);
            if (i == 4 || i == 5) {
                console.log("from", startIndex);
                console.log("claim before", nextUser.claim);
                Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].claim = nextUser.claim + 0.01 ether;
                console.log("added claim to", nextUser.index);
                console.log("claim after", Addresses[Indices[nextUser.parent]].claim);
                if (i == 5) {
                    console.log("Go to next matrix");

    function hasRegistered(address wallet) view public returns(bool) {
        return Addresses[wallet].isValue;

    function getUser(address wallet) view public returns(User memory user) {
        user = Addresses[wallet];

    function getLength() external view returns(uint length) {
        length = Indices.length;

    function getSumOfPlateau(uint _from, uint _to) private pure returns(uint sum) {
        sum = 0;
        for (uint j = _from; j < _to; j++) {
            sum += 2 ** (j);

    function log2(uint x) private pure returns(uint y) {
        assembly {
            let arg := x
            x := sub(x,1)
            x := or(x, div(x, 0x02))
            x := or(x, div(x, 0x04))
            x := or(x, div(x, 0x10))
            x := or(x, div(x, 0x100))
            x := or(x, div(x, 0x10000))
            x := or(x, div(x, 0x100000000))
            x := or(x, div(x, 0x10000000000000000))
            x := or(x, div(x, 0x100000000000000000000000000000000))
            x := add(x, 1)
            let m := mload(0x40)
            mstore(m,           0xf8f9cbfae6cc78fbefe7cdc3a1793dfcf4f0e8bbd8cec470b6a28a7a5a3e1efd)
            mstore(add(m,0x20), 0xf5ecf1b3e9debc68e1d9cfabc5997135bfb7a7a3938b7b606b5b4b3f2f1f0ffe)
            mstore(add(m,0x40), 0xf6e4ed9ff2d6b458eadcdf97bd91692de2d4da8fd2d0ac50c6ae9a8272523616)
            mstore(add(m,0x60), 0xc8c0b887b0a8a4489c948c7f847c6125746c645c544c444038302820181008ff)
            mstore(add(m,0x80), 0xf7cae577eec2a03cf3bad76fb589591debb2dd67e0aa9834bea6925f6a4a2e0e)
            mstore(add(m,0xa0), 0xe39ed557db96902cd38ed14fad815115c786af479b7e83247363534337271707)
            mstore(add(m,0xc0), 0xc976c13bb96e881cb166a933a55e490d9d56952b8d4e801485467d2362422606)
            mstore(add(m,0xe0), 0x753a6d1b65325d0c552a4d1345224105391a310b29122104190a110309020100)
            mstore(0x40, add(m, 0x100))
            let magic := 0x818283848586878898a8b8c8d8e8f929395969799a9b9d9e9faaeb6bedeeff
            let shift := 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
            let a := div(mul(x, magic), shift)
            y := div(mload(add(m,sub(255,a))), shift)
            y := add(y, mul(256, gt(arg, 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)))

There is a lot of content (code) here. Not sure what to look for.

You are doing a lot of logs. Can you identify which one doesn't match your expectation ? I honestly don't know what you expect and what is not correct, so its hard to give any answer.