"Invalid Address" error when running `zos push`

Ok, trying to run zos push with zos session set to mainnet and a valid, unlocked address used as --from, I’m getting this error:

Using session with network mainnet, sender address <ADDRESS_HERE>
Compiling contracts with Truffle...
Validating contract Unlock
Uploading Unlock contract as Unlock
Deploying logic contract for Unlock
invalid address
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! lock@1.0.0 zos: `zos "push"`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the lock@1.0.0 zos script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

Any tips on what this “invalid address” may be referring to ?
Trying to deploy to mainnet today and this is not helping, to say the least…

Update: we re-tried to run zos push, and it seemed to work, but has been stuck here for a few hours:

Using session with network mainnet, sender address <ACTUAL_ADDRESS_HERE>
Compiling contracts with Truffle...
Validating contract Unlock
Uploading Unlock contract as Unlock
Deploying logic contract for Unlock
  • Etherscan shows the tx as a successful contract creation.
  • zos.mainnet.json is empty
  "contracts": {},
  "solidityLibs": {},
  "proxies": {},
  "zosversion": "2",
  "version": "0.1.0"

Hey @n440! As discussed via chat, the first problem is probably due to an issue deploying contracts to Parity light nodes. I’ve managed to reproduce it outside zOS, and filed an issue on web3 directly, though I’m not sure if the culprit is web3 or Parity.

As for the second one, we’ve often seen that behaviour when the node is not fully synced: the transaction gets sent, but since the node is still several blocks behind, it never gets to see the block where the new tx is mined. Again, this issue is reproducible outside zOS, but I’ve logged an issue on our tracker to check that the node is up-to-date, since it’s a common situation and the behaviour is quite annoying.

As far as I understood the deployment went through, but keep us posted if you find any other issues. Thanks!

@spalladino Yes, we did manage to deploy successfully! Thanks for your help and feedback on this.

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