I am testing upgradable contracts and I am now trying to add a scenario where I first deploy a contract, change its state, then upgrade it to a new contract and check that the old state is not broken.
contract AV1 is Initializable {
function initialize() public virtual initializer {
// do stuff
contract AV2 is A {
function initialize() public override initializer {
// do other stuff
Then I execute the deployment and upgrade like this :
const AV1Factory = (await ethers.getContractFactory(
)) as AV1__factory;
av1Contract = (await upgrades.deployProxy(AV1Factory, {
initializer: "initialize",
})) as AV1;
const AV2Factory = (await ethers.getContractFactory(
)) as AV2__factory;
const aV2Contract = await upgrades.upgradeProxy(
What I realized (with logging) is that the initializer is never called during the upgrade process, neither V1 nor V2. On top, I see that there no way to specify an initializer for the V2 contract (assuming I would like to call it differently).
Could you please explain me what's the expected use of the initializer during the upgrade process? Am I missing something?