I want to create a staking pool on my website like syrup pools on pancake swap

i want to create a staking pool on my website like syrup pools on pancake swap

i have been trying to learn how to do this myself and am hitting a wall, i want to make a place people can stake my token and earn yield, just a single asset contract. maybe pools eventually.

is this a hard thing to do?

i am trying to learn how to do this myself so even if a developer cannot help me i am seeking advice !

look at pancakeswap githut repo

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hey, i did that but i am a new developer and am struggling to find what im looking for specifically or how that would integrate. thanks!

wym? you’d want people to earn other tokens by staking yours? Or the other way around?

Hi, welcome! :wave:

I think if you want to stake one asset to get another asset as rewards, you can also have a look at the Synthetix staking pool It was widely used in the early days.

I would like people to stake our token and earn more of our token.

what you’re looking for is the masterchef contract in the pcs repo then, if you have any questions about how it works feel free to dm me but its pretty straightforward

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Hello everybody. I am working on testnet, I have created a simple token and I would like to try to stake to earn the same created token. how can i do to create masterchefs and adjust the rewards? thank you so much

Hi did you manage to solve this problem as i am trying to achieve the same thing,
Kind regards Ricki