I need help setting up rewards pools

I am trying to create a fork of pancakeswap. I customized the frontend and changed all the logos. The swap tab works perfectly and I can add and remove tokens from the list. I wanted to add Pools but am getting stuck. I want to stake $OKBoomer to earn $OKBoomer. I deployed the rewards contract (0xf844bc069E30C226013a1C8DEa72f821138764E8), funded it with rewards, and added the contract to the frontend pools.ts, ran the function initialize to set the token address plus start/end blocks. The pool shows up and I am able to enable it, but I cannot stake anything, it asks me to pay the gas, and then fails with error "Error
Please try again. Confirm the transaction and make sure you are paying enough gas!". I don't know what I am missing or need to do from here to make it work. Here is the link to my test site www.boomerswap.com:3000/pools I wanted to add LP farms also, but that seems beyond me, I would be happy with offering rewards pools.

You need to show your code that has error in order for me to help you rectify the issue

The error just shows on pancakeswap in a popup window and says "Error
Please try again. Confirm the transaction and make sure you are paying enough gas!"
If I go to the smart contract on bscscan, I can stake, but using my frontend, it just gives that error when I go to stake.

So I can unstake just fine, and the harvest button works. I can stake manually by going to bscscan and calling the deposit function. it works fine (https://bscscan.com/tx/0x02872e518d7172894e3af6bdbac8cc535301f6655e3dfd6445df31bfdbabcd22) but when I try it through my dapp, I get this(https://bscscan.com/tx/0x80c656e010024385d89f03e89c44abb1f5d57405adf21ce3f60a5401653f49d1)
It is calling the correct contract and function, right? I don't see what I'm missing.

I tried increasing the default gas limit. That didn't work. I just can't can't add to the contract through the frontend.

I raised the default gas limit again to 2000000 and it worked! Awesome.