How would you add approveFunction to GSN call?

Hi Andrew,
Thanks for the quick response.

My question was around injecting approval data to be sent to, and evaluated by, the recipient smart contract (which inherits from GSNRecipientSignature.sol) through GSN.
(Ref: Advanced GSN: GSNRecipientSignature.sol).

From my App.js, I can get the approval data sent to the recipient contract when using:

const signKey = useEphemeralKey();
const approveFunction = async ({ ...})
const context = useWeb3Network('', {
    gsn: { signKey, approveFunction }

However, when I try to use my own wallet address with the approval data as below, I get the error message mentioned in my previous post:

const approveFunction = async ({ ...})
const context = useWeb3Injected( {
    gsn: { approveFunction }

Any input/thought would be appreciated!

  • Samuel
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