GSN approveFunction values

I’m wanting to use GSN without React, I’ve read the Advanced GSN: GSNRecipientSignature.sol tutorial multiple times. But it does not explain why or where the values for the approveFunction are sourced.

from - Are we using the users public wallet address?
to - I’m assuming this is the contract we’re calling?
encodedFunctionCall - Pretty self explanatory, its the function of the contract we’re calling.
txFee - How can we get this information?
gasPrice - How can we get this information?
gas - How can we get this information?
nonce - How can we get this information?
relayerAddress - How can we get this information?
relayHubAddress - How can we get this information?


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Hi @h00j,

All development on the GSN has been moved to the OpenGSN organization.

I recommend asking this question on the OpenGSN Telegram: