Hello, I am trying to use Open Zeppelin's defender relayer and web3 js to sponsor USDC gasless tx for users in my app.
The issue is I keep getting an error that says something like: Error: Cannot transfer from the provider sender without actually stating the real cause of the error.
Enviorment: NestJs
import { DefenderRelayProvider } from '@openzeppelin/defender-sdk-relay-signer-client/lib/web3';
import Web3 from 'web3';
export async function createAvaxSignedTransaction(
senderWallet: string,
recipientAddress: string,
amount: number,
env: "prod" | "test",
) {
try {
const credentials = {
apiKey: process.env.DEFENDER_API_KEY,
apiSecret: process.env.DEFENDER_API_SECRET
if (!credentials.apiKey || !credentials.apiSecret) {
throw new Error("Defender API credentials not set");
console.log("Instatiating defender....")
const provider = new DefenderRelayProvider({
apiKey: credentials.apiKey,
apiSecret: credentials.apiSecret,
authConfig: {
useCredentialsCaching: true,
type: 'relay'
}, { speed: 'fast' });
const web3 = new Web3(provider);
const usdcContractAddress = getUsdcAvaxContractAddress(env);
const usdcContract = new web3.eth.Contract(usdcABI, usdcContractAddress);
// Approve the Defender Relayer to spend USDC on behalf of the sender
console.log(`Approving Defender Relayer to spend ${amount} USDC on behalf of ${senderWallet}...`);
const approveTx = await usdcContract.methods.approve(senderWallet, amount).send({ from: senderWallet, gas: '100000' });
console.log(`Approval transaction sent:`, approveTx.transactionHash);
// Send USDC transfer transaction
console.log(`Sending ${amount} USDC from ${senderWallet} to ${recipientAddress} using Defender Relayer...`);
const transferTx = await usdcContract.methods.transfer(recipientAddress, amount).send({ from: senderWallet, gas: '100000' });
console.log(`Transaction sent:`, transferTx.transactionHash);
return transferTx.transactionHash;
} catch (error) {
console.error("An error occurred while creating the signed transaction:", error);
throw error;
Let me know if you need any more information helping me out. Thanks.