Hi everyone,
I'm trying to understand how to implement a smart contract using openzeppin library.
In my case I'd like to deploy a smart contract that can hold erc1155 tokens and send them out when a user interact whit it.
I found wery useful this part of the documentation (https://docs.openzeppelin.com/contracts/4.x/erc1155) where it's written that:
In order for our contract to receive ERC1155 tokens we can inherit from the convenience contract
which handles the registering for us.
After that I can read that:
Though we need to remember to implement functionality to allow tokens to be transferred out of our contract
I don't understand how I can find a reference to this tokens in order to be able to transfer them to another contract/address whenever I want after receiving them.
For example: I want to mint an NFT using OpenSea or Rarible using my address, so I can set the fees for the future sellings. After that I want to send this NFT to my contract which can send them to other addresses when someone interact with it in my dApp. Is it possible? Is there a better solution like creating the NFT contract by my own?
Moreover I'd like to find a good documentation about that because it's really confusing so if you have suggestion on what I can read to improve my knowledge I'll be glad to hear from you.