I created a smart contract with preset ERC721PresetMinterPauserAutoId. My smart contract is deployed and i can mint without problem. I have two questions
- How i can get the TokenID when my ERC-721 call the mint function, i got the transaction hash but i didn’t found any solution to get this ID. I tried
but no ID inside this. Any idea ?
- How much an audit from OpenZeppelin cost ? i can’t find this information
Thanks for help,
I love your work and the community around
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After some reseaches i found my solution.
The Contracts emit an event , called Transfer
In Web 3js, we can listen to this transfer and get details.
async function getTransferInformations(){
token.Transfer({}, { fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest' }).get((error, eventResult) => {
if (error)
console.log('Error in myEvent event handler: ' + error);
Hi @Charly_Stern,
Welcome to the community 
Glad you were able to get the token ID from the Transfer
Our quotes and turnaround times vary according to the codebase's length and complexity.
For info on requesting an audit please see:
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