How to modify an ERC721 contract to give exclusive access to functions only for the owner?

I have already implemented this contract on the main network. But now I realized that anyone can use the various functions of the contract, such as emitting, burning. I would like to make a small modification to the contract to allow only the contract owner to access the functions. How do I do this? Can someone help me? Thank you.


:computer: Environment


:1234: Code to reproduce

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You need a modifier to modify the functions you need, just like this one onlyOwner


How do I use this modifier? Do I just import it into the contract using the remix?

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import "Ownable.sol";

contract NinoArteiro is ERC721, Ownable {
    function mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) public onlyOwner {
        _mint(to, tokenId);

just like above, so now, only owner can call the function mint()


Thank you very much. I will test.

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It gave that error. How do I correct?


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Removing redundant references Context


Should I remove all that part?

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I think so, just try!


The contract was compiled without error. It worked. Thank you very much. You helped me a lot. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Please, just one more question. Can I modify my current contract on the main network? Or do I have to create a new contract?

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If you use the proxy pattern, you can update the contract without change the contract address, if not, deploy a new contract.


Hi @ninoarteiro,

Welcome to the community :wave:

I marked @Skyge’s answer as the solution to your question. (:pray: Thanks as always @Skyge).

For more information on AccessControl (including Ownable), please see the documentation:

For an example of an ERC721 using AccessControl please see the preset contract:

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