i made ER20PAUSERMINTER token with basic information, but when i run it over rinkeby it deploy a proxy “bad-unsecure-kekkak22566 security” .
so i made my folder with all contracts in 0.8.3 solidity compilers more than 10 contracts
structured like this
it deploy contract 0x778ad60BC90Aed3FFBbecb59c89D44cA2Ae80e11
reading contract / writing contract it show me
Sorry, there are no available Contract ABI methods to read. Unable to read contract info.
when i go to verify contract on network i take “implementation contract from rinkeby.json”
address: 0x0A4D0203F8788983bA6DcD90ACFD7B5cA57b05de
it verify a separated-proxy contract, but token functions are not here"
i need read contract from proxy how i can do it
Code to reproduce deploy.js
// scripts/deploy.js
async function main() {
const ZOE = await ethers.getContractFactory("ZOE");
console.log("Deploying ZOE...");
//_name, _symbol _supplyLibre, _FoundersAddress, _AirdropsAddress, MainnetLoans, Devteam, listingfee)
const zoe = await upgrades.deployProxy(ZOE, ["M22","M22","67000000000000000000000000","0x95b45245424bb1F6cFa71749D05156f530107f43","0xffa65741B12b43B05429F1696d3CE171290D5020","0x0a094510d7979E0dC616c467880AC5641e7A2C94","0xCC54265B4Bc554E17c37ca4f85141Bd4d6413A35","0x458c1C3B891dE1A69638142216E7E3d345dD4C14"], { initializer: 'initialize' });
console.log("zoe deployed to:", zoe.address);
.then(() => process.exit(0))
.catch(error => {