Hi, i am following OpenZeppelin’s Governor tutorial to deploy a governor contract and use it with Time Lock Controller and ERC20 contract. But I'm having trouble while deploying the governor contract.
I have already deployed my ERC20 and TimelockController contract to rinkeby testnet. But i could not deploy the governance contract. I think I'm getting error because i assign the wrong values to the constructor while deploying. Here is the constructor of governance contract and hardhat deployment file.I would appreciate if anybody could help me how to deploy the governance contract.
code=INVALID_ARGUMENT, version=contracts/5.5.0)
at Logger.makeError (/Users/rojhat/node_modules/@ethersproject/logger/src.ts/index.ts:225:28)
at Logger.throwError (/Users/rojhat/node_modules/@ethersproject/logger/src.ts/index.ts:237:20)
at Logger.throwArgumentError (/Users/rojhat/node_modules/@ethersproject/logger/src.ts/index.ts:241:21)
at /Users/rojhat/node_modules/@ethersproject/contracts/src.ts/index.ts:120:16
at step (/Users/rojhat/node_modules/@ethersproject/contracts/lib/index.js:48:23)
at Object.next (/Users/rojhat/node_modules/@ethersproject/contracts/lib/index.js:29:53)
at fulfilled (/Users/rojhat/node_modules/@ethersproject/contracts/lib/index.js:20:58) {
reason: 'invalid address or ENS name',
argument: 'name',