How to change BNB token payable to BTC for betting a BTC instead of BNB

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This Prediction (of price feed from oracle) smart contract can bet a BNB, the problem is I want to change the BNB into BTC as token to bet:

How user choose what to bet: This function use _safetransferBNB for external payable. How to change the bnb into BTC as token to bet?

     * @notice Bet bear position
     * @param epoch: epoch
    function betBear(uint256 epoch) external payable whenNotPaused nonReentrant notContract {
        require(epoch == currentEpoch, "Bet is too early/late");
        require(_bettable(epoch), "Round not bettable");
        require(msg.value >= minBetAmount, "Bet amount must be greater than minBetAmount");
        require(ledger[epoch][msg.sender].amount == 0, "Can only bet once per round");

        // Update round data
        uint256 amount = msg.value;
        Round storage round = rounds[epoch];
        round.totalAmount = round.totalAmount + amount;
        round.bearAmount = round.bearAmount + amount;

        // Update user data
        BetInfo storage betInfo = ledger[epoch][msg.sender];
        betInfo.position = Position.Bear;
        betInfo.amount = amount;

        emit BetBear(msg.sender, epoch, amount);

     * @notice Bet bull position
     * @param epoch: epoch
    function betBull(uint256 epoch) external payable whenNotPaused nonReentrant notContract {
        require(epoch == currentEpoch, "Bet is too early/late");
        require(_bettable(epoch), "Round not bettable");
        require(msg.value >= minBetAmount, "Bet amount must be greater than minBetAmount");
        require(ledger[epoch][msg.sender].amount == 0, "Can only bet once per round");

        // Update round data
        uint256 amount = msg.value;
        Round storage round = rounds[epoch];
        round.totalAmount = round.totalAmount + amount;
        round.bullAmount = round.bullAmount + amount;

        // Update user data
        BetInfo storage betInfo = ledger[epoch][msg.sender];
        betInfo.position = Position.Bull;
        betInfo.amount = amount;

        emit BetBull(msg.sender, epoch, amount);

Calculation of rewards and how claim function works

     * @notice Claim reward for an array of epochs
     * @param epochs: array of epochs
    function claim(uint256[] calldata epochs) external nonReentrant notContract {
        uint256 reward; // Initializes reward

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < epochs.length; i++) {
            require(rounds[epochs[i]].startTimestamp != 0, "Round has not started");
            require(block.timestamp > rounds[epochs[i]].closeTimestamp, "Round has not ended");

            uint256 addedReward = 0;

            // Round valid, claim rewards
            if (rounds[epochs[i]].oracleCalled) {
                require(claimable(epochs[i], msg.sender), "Not eligible for claim");
                Round memory round = rounds[epochs[i]];
                addedReward = (ledger[epochs[i]][msg.sender].amount * round.rewardAmount) / round.rewardBaseCalAmount;
            // Round invalid, refund bet amount
            else {
                require(refundable(epochs[i], msg.sender), "Not eligible for refund");
                addedReward = ledger[epochs[i]][msg.sender].amount;

            ledger[epochs[i]][msg.sender].claimed = true;
            reward += addedReward;

            emit Claim(msg.sender, epochs[i], addedReward);

        if (reward > 0) {
            _safeTransferBNB(address(msg.sender), reward);

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I already solved the problem mate, thank you.

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